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We're in this together. I got your back and you got mine.

>Protocol 3: Protect the Pilot. That is my mission. I have your back, Pilot Y/N L/N.

I thought me and BT and I were going to be blown up along with the Fold weapon, but when he shot himself into the core it transported us both to a distant planet. A uncharted planet with magical powers unlike any we could posses. Inhabitants we're Humans too. Though we were more technologically advanced, that's all our weapons and defenses were based around, not magic, technology. 

Only one of the four kingdoms was really based on technology, Atlas.

Just like the Militia, they too were fighting a war of their own. against a dark force who's name is Salem with an army of devilish creatures. To battle these forces schools and academies around the planet were built to train Huntsmen to use their 'magic,' also known as a Semblance to protect the people and take the fight to Salem.

Comms won't reach out of this planet so for now I guess me and BT are stranded..who knows how long we'll be here for. But however long we're here for at least we're in this together.

What do you say, bud?

>I have nothing too say, Pilot.

That works.

>I am confused. What seems to be working?

Don't worry about it, BT.

>I am not worried, I am confused.

Just pretend I never said anything.


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