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Matt's p.o.v

When I woke up I was on the floor in the bathroom and carter in the tub with Nash and cam laying across the toilet and the top of it closed on his stomach

What did we do?

" Yo wake up" I said shaking cam

"Go away, Today I don't feel like doing anything" he mumbled waving his hand at me

"Dude, wake up we have to get up its Tuesday we have school" I said looking at the time on my phone

it is 7:20 damn were running late

"And still your sleeping like the fuck, nope I give up" I said going to Nash and carter waking them up with ease

"Nash wake him up" I said pointing to cam "ill get everyone else with the help of carter" I said and pulled carter out
of the bathroom

we split up and and woke everyone then we got ready

Then we all came to the living room to grab our bags and penny boards and road to school

when we got there the warning bell rang

We all went to our lockers and got our stuff for class man am I happy that this school year is almost over but then I'm not cuz some of us at graduating this year so it won't be the same but hey life's life and there's nothing I can do

*Ring* *Ring*

Well now I have to go to class oh no I'm going to die help me I don't want to die in that class I groan as I walk to shante's locker and see her talking to the girls and 2 knew people I don't know 1 boy 1 girl I look closer and see I know that boy but not the girl

I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her

"Hey" I said to everyone

"Hey" they all said and went back to there conversation I let go of shante and walked to Sammy the boy

"Hey let's go to class before we're late" I said to Sammy and I look at the girls "you guys might want to go to class to" I said to them and me and Sammy walked a way after saying bye to Shante and Sammy saying bye to the girl and we began to walk to class

"Hey, Sammy who's that girl?" I asked

" That's Dillion's sister and my girlfriend lisset"he said

"Ok" I said and then we reached the class room we went and sat down together ,we just talked the whole class

< after school >

Now we are just hanging out at the house playing video games Dillon joined us during lunch so he's hear now

"Hey want to watch a movie" lisset asked

" Umm sure" cam and nash said at the same time

So we just watched movies for the rest of the night and Sammy, Dillion and lisset slept over


I'm going to end this really soon should I do a sequel or just end this and leave it

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