Chapter 20

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Destiny's p.o.v

Ok so it's January 20th and I have nothing to do man is life boring it's like 5 in the morning and I have to wait till everyone else gets up cuz we have school so I should probably get in the shower Ya I'll get in the shower
So after my shower I left my hair and then got dressed

€ outfit €

• black jeans
• black sweater
•black uggs

When I was done it was 5:45 so I decided I will wake up the girls so I woke up Shante first then when she got dressed we woke up Azaria after she was done it was 6:20 so we just waited for the boys to wake and get up so we watched tv and had some apple jacks and at 6:30 Matt, Shawn, Hayes and Nash and the jacks then everyone else then we all got our penny boards and went to school

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