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Serena stood on the couch with Sirius as he inspected the letter

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Serena stood on the couch with Sirius as he inspected the letter.
As soon as Harry saw the look on Serena's faces he hurried the rest of the household in the backyard to "play some volleyball".
Sirius' eyes read and read.But she knew he was rereading it because it wasn't a very long letter.

"Just give it to me, I'm going insane."Serena snatched it out of his hands but his hand touched her forearm.
"Just know that both of your parents love you very much."he said and she felt like someone ripped her hair off.
She nodded and started reading but not before grabbing one of the leftover cupcakes that rested on the living room table.

Dear Serena,

I am glad you are safe.I was very worried.Just so you know, I understand why you had to leave.Why you felt such a crippling tension in the house.Your mother and I have issues we need to work on and I think it is for the best that you are with your friends during this time.I know Sirius lives with the Potters close to Isabella.Tell him that if he doesn't take care of you I will put bluebell flames up his ass (pardon the language don't talk like that).
If it would be okay with you one time this summer I would like to visit you two.Maybe, or not whatever you decide.I just feel terribly guilty for what you felt that you had to do.I love more than anything, you are my baby.
Have a fun summer and don't worry about me and your mother.


Serena tried to hide the tears welling up in her eyes as she read the word "Papa". When she was a toddler she used to call him that.The tears were also at the fact that he barely mentioned her mother.That she didn't write her as well.She was furious, she understood that but to not write her at all?She knew she was overreacting but she couldn't help it.

She quickly got up and walked around the room so Sirius wouldn't see her well up.
"You okay?Kiddo, it's normal to feel upset."Sirius said softly getting up and walking to his niece.
"She could have at least said "take care".And issues?It is only know occurring to me that they could get divorced!How would dad manage when I'm at Hogwarts? He would be all alone ?! He freaks out when we do groceries! He can't be on his own! And-"

Suddenly everything Serena held inside was hitting against the wall she has been keeping up threatening to break it open and she felt like she couldn't breathe.
"And...oh my God."she kicked the floor with her foot trying to not let tears touch her face, she hated crying in front of others and she was so proud of herself for not crying up until that point about the whole situation.

Sirius walked up to her awkwardly and put his arms around her at first not really knowing what to do.But Serena at that point gave in and hugged him back tightly.
Soft sobs escaped her lips as Sirius stroke her hair in a gentle manner.
"I'm here kid, I have to because I don't want bluebell flames up my ass."Sirius joked making Serena chuckle weakly as she wiped her face with her hands.
"Sorry, the letter wasn't a reason for me to react this way it's just all becoming very..."
"Real?"Sirius said as they broke the hug.
"Yeah."she rasped out.

"You know, there is this thing I do with Harry when I'm stressed.If you want to -"
"Yes."Serena said, needing to forget about all of this.
"Oh, okay.Uhm get dressed in some sporty clothes and meet me and Harry in front of the house in ten minutes.
"Great."Serena said grabbing her stuff before leaving.She turned around on her heels and faces Sirius."Thank you."

Serena tied her hair in a ponytail and checked that her shoes were tied.She got out of the house to see Harry and Sirius waiting for her.They had smiles on their faces which weren't just of sympathy like she hoped.She didn't want people to feel sorry for her.

"Okay, where are we going?"Serena asked.
"We are going hiking."Harry answered making Serena raise her eyebrows.
"You two hike?That is so cool!"Serena smiled.
"Yes, the forest next to the houses has this spot where we walk up a bit and see this amazing view."Sirius said as the three started walking.
"Well I did expect you to be into this sort of things considering you good you are with Quidditch."Serena said to Harry who smiled shyly.

"I went to some of his games as well.One of the best!"Sirius remarked making Harry blush and Serena smile at it.

"What on Earth was I thinking?!"

Serena was red, bloated and sweaty.And she didn't exactly like it.
"First hike?"Harry asked.
"Oh no isn't it clear that I've been doing this since always?"Serena asked sarcastically making Harry laugh, he always found her funny. He outstretched his arm for her to grab as his other hand went to her waist to help her climb without realising. He looked to her all red all of the sudden and if she wasn't so damn tired she might have reacted the same way but she just hardened her grip on his arm and went up the hill.

Serena gasped out loud at the view.
The sun was almost down looking like a big orange as the rest of the sky was splattered with a dark color of orange.The warmth was embracing their faces in the most delicate way.
"It's beautiful."she whispered making Harry look at her with a small smile on his face.She looked back at him, their eyes meeting and for a small moment she just couldn't look away.She felt this magnetic pull toward Harry.She couldn't tell if it was only because she needed a distraction from her family or if she  felt that pull before.

"It truly is isn't it?"Sirius said casually setting his big stick that he found on the ground."Well we should get going, if it gets dark it ain't that pretty around here.
"Yeah."Serena said before breaking the gaze and started following Sirius.

The three arrived back in the neighbourhood and Sirius invited Serena at dinner.She accepted but was going to announce Isabella first.

"Hey."Serena said jogging in the house.
"How was the hike?"Isa answered from the couch.
"Really beautiful, tiring but beautiful.After dinner I'm taking the longest bath there is possible.Oh is it okay with your parents if I take dinner with the Potters and Sirius?"

"Of course not."Isabella said getting up and looking at her.
"What?"Serena asked.
"Nothing, just...I'm glad you are spending time with your uncle."Isabella said hugging Serena tight.
"Aw thanks, hon."she felt terrible, she really neglected Isabella."Tomorrow we are doing something together all day long.Good?"
"Sounds amazing."Isa answered and went to the fridge."Go, they are probably waiting."

"Right."Serena said and ran out the door.She walked to the Potter house before seeing all of them except Professor Lupin on the porch.
"What is going on?"Serena asked at the sight of James Potter trying to look into the house.
"Remus and his wife are having an important talk."Sirius said walking next to her.Before she probably wouldn't have known this but being Sirius's niece that actually talked to him changed things.

"And my husband is being a gossip.James Potter take your head away from that window!"Lily ordered slapping the back of James' head.
Serena questioned Harry through a look and he walked next to her.
"What is going on with Professor Lupin and his wife?"

"Remus' wife,  is pregnant."

Okay so this chapter was rlly short but I promise after the next one there will be more action.

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