3 his house

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(Bakugou's POV)

I stared up at the expensive looking house only to be snapped out of my daze when I heard the car door shut only then did I look around at the expensive cars arranged in colour.
"You coming or what?"
Kirishima asked and I nodded following him.

The inside of the house looking just as or more expensive than the outside, we walked down the hall and took a left turn into what looked to be a dining room and a big kitchen.  The velvet carpet ended as we walked onto oak brown floorboards, we entered the dining area going across to the kitchen.

"You want anything?"
Kirishima asked me to which I shook my head slightly
"I didn't see you eat today so here"
he said handing me an apple. I caved in and said thanks taking a bite out of the fruit. He grabbed some snacks and two cans of monster than we walked the way we came going up the stairs turned right and all the way down to the end of the hallway we reached a door with the word 'Eijirou' in broad letters hanging on the door. We went in and he sat on his bed gesturing me to do the same I sat down as I finished the apple and put it in the bin that was beside his bead.

"So Um we should start the project" I said fidgeting with my sleeves.
"chill dude teach said it isn't due till two weeks away so how about this you stay here for a week then I'll stay at yours for a week sound good?"
I simply nodded in return. I began looking around the room noticing some band posters and monster cans there was also a really nice electric guitar.
"You play" I said gesturing to the dark blue and white guitar leaning against the draws
"yeah a bit why do you?"
"I was taught a bit of guitar by one of my friends, do you mind if I play it?"
Go ahead Kirishima told me so I played the few songs I knew then put the guitar back.

For the next few hours we talked to each other about the things we like and stuff like that, we also played on his PlayStation and we're now sitting on his bed whilst a movie is playing on his tv,
"so if I'm staying for a week then we should probably go to my house so I can get some of my stuff"
"yeah we'll do that tomorrow you can just wear some of my clothes for tonight" I responded with a hum of agreement and focus back on the screen.
"You hungry"
Kirishima said after a while he checked the time on his phone and it was actually kinda late, i was about to respond when i was interrupted by my phone going off. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked at the name on the screen.

'Mother' it read. My stomach dropped anxiety crawling up my throat as my hand instinctively came up to my mouth and i chewed my nails just staring at my phone for a second until there was a hand waving in front of my face "hey dude you gonna get that?"
Kirishima asked i snapped out of my trance placed my finger on the 'accept' button on the phone screen.

was the terrible screech that came from the phone, I ripped my phone away from my ear as she yelled Into it. Once she stopped yelling I put the phone back to my ear and with a shaky breath
"I'm at a...a friends house for a school project" i took a small pause before saying
"I'll be back tomorrow so I'll explain more then"
"fucking whatever" she said and hung up.

I put my phone into my pocket and turned to a shocked Kirishima
"yeah I could eat" I said acting as if that whole phone call didn't even happen
"uhhh yeah, okay what do you want?" After a few minutes of us thinking of something we could get we decide to get Maccas (for any non Australian maccas is McDonalds) Kirishima decided to get it delivered and with a few taps on his phone the food was 'on its way' as he said. We passed the time by continuing to watch the movie.

We sat in comfortable silence until it was interrupted by a knock at Kirishima's bedroom door
"come in" he yelled out, as the door opened a figure could be seen he wore a basic butler outfit and held two bags of Maccas one with the food and one with the drinks. Kirishima smiled as the butler placed the food in front of us then quietly left closing the door like it had been before. 'His smile is cute' I thought to myself 'wait no I can't think about that he probably isn't even gay'.

I was snapped out of my thought by a hand waving in front of my face
"hellooooo earth to Bakugou" he said I blinked a few times and focused on his face I gave a sheepish smile and chuckled brushing it off as we started eating our food.

(Smol time skip)

By now we had finished eating and we were currently getting ready for bed Kirishima looked through his clothes and decided on a red hoodie hand grey sweatpants he gave them to me and I went and showered enjoying the warmth of the water even though there was a slight stinging in my arms. I soon finished in the shower and got dressed pulling the oversized red jumper on and put the sweatpants on and tightened the draw strings so they wouldn't fall down. After Kirishima had his shower I asked where I was going to sleep "well you can sleep with me in here so you don't get lost" he suggested making me internally gay panic at his words sleeping in the same bed. With him. I gulped and nodded getting in and under the blankets.

he did the same and I had to will away the blush that crept onto my face.
"Can you pass me that remote" he said pointing to a little white remote I handed him the remote and he set the led lights in his room to a soft blue colour.
We then both got comfortable and started drifting of to sleep.

A/n: lmao I kinda forgot about this book oops anyways enjoy this chapter also let me know if you want me to update any of my other books cause I'm bored in lockdown
Word count:1076

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2021 ⏰

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