2 first days

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(Kirishima's POV)

Today was the first day of school. I got up my bare feet touching the plush rug under my king sized bed I tossed a random panic! at the disco t shirt on and walked down stairs and to the table were one of the maids was setting the table I sat down and started digging into the pancakes and drinking the juice that was for breakfast. After I ate I went to get ready for school I had a shower, got dressed, spiked up my hair, brushed my teeth and packed my bag, I then headed down and out to the front yard were an array of expensive cars sat ready to be driven the colours were mainly blacks reds and dark blues. I walked over to the one I wanted and got in the drivers side I have my L's so my butler had to accompany me on the dive and would pick me up after school was finished.

(Bakugous POV )
Beep beep beep
My alarm had woken me up at 6:00 it was a 20 minute walk to school and I didn't mind the walk actually. I got up of the ground and started to get ready as quietly as I could first I went into my bathroom took my pills, cut a bit, brushed my teeth then got dressed I walked downstairs and didn't bother with getting lunch because I knew there wouldn't be any there anyways. But before I could reach the door there was a death grip on my shoulder that spun me around.

I was now facing the cold glare of my Mother whom from the smell of her breath and the tint of red on her cheeks must have been drinking again. 
"Where the fuck are you going" she slurred as she took the last sip of alcohol  and  threw the bottle to the ground.
"I-I'm going t-to school m-ma'am"
I stutter out in a weak voice she released her grip on my shoulder and relied her hand back and punched my stomach
"be fucking quieter next time bitch"
"s-sorry Mother" I weakly spit out while clutching my stomach with my arm. My Mother mumbled and incoherent insult as she walked away from me. I wasted no time scurrying our the door and pulling out my crappy I phone 5 and my earphones putting on my playlist that consisted of lots of different genres.

Once I was in front of the school gates I took a deep and shaky breath and headed to find my class I was in class 1A I found my class and sat in an empty seat at the front row I saw Mina talking with a girl with green hair. She looked over my way and her face twisted into a frown. I guess she's still angry at me I mean I can't really blame her but it still hurts.

By now class had started my old bullies were also in my class Zenaku sat behind me and a girl with purple hair sat next to me as I was on the end of the row. The other two bullies names are Hotoke and Yasha. This year was gonna be difficult I think as i sat at my desk with my head down and my fingers picking at the skin. I listen to the teacher named Aizawa talk about the school year while I was listening and trying to ignore the obnoxious feet of Zenaku kicking my chair the door flew open and a really hot boy with red spiky  hair and unusual shark like teeth he had a lip piercing and a few ear piercings as well as  deep crimson eyes stood there,
"your late" Mr Aizawa spoke up in his gruff and tired voice
"yeah sorry 'bout that teach" the boy said and walked over to a seat next to a girl with a big ponytail and in front of Mina.
"Make sure it doesn't happen again" is all the teacher said and continued explaining the rules and whatnot.

By the time it was second period we were still in Mr Aizawa's class since it was a double period of homeroom. (Idk If you have double homeroom periods cause I live in Australia and we don't  have homeroom) He got down to actual work
"alright we're gonna be doing a project I've already chosen the pairs so don't complain it's kinda an icebreaker basically learn shit about your partner and then write an essay about them or the stuff you have in common" he said and then handed out a piece of paper to everyone which I'm assuming was the pairs. I searched for my name on the list until I found next a boy named Kirishima the other pairs were.

Ochako & Asui 
Denki & Sero
Jiro & Mina
Zenaku & Tokoyami
Deku & Shinso (m*neta and Shinso  switched classes)
Bakugou & Kirishima
Aoyama & Iida
Yasha & Hotoke
Todoroki & Shoji
Momo & Ojiro

I looked around for someone who might be named Kirishima and saw the red headed boy that was late walked over to my desk
"oi are you Bakugou?" He asked
"mhm" I nodded picking at my fingers when Zenaku piped up
"aw man your stuck with the loser sucks to be you bro"
"well who do you have dumbass?" The red head questioned him
"dunno some kid named Tokoyami I think he's the emo looking dude in the back" Zenaku said pointing to a boy with black hair and his head laying on the desk. (He has a human head in this)
"Um w-what's your name exactly" I asked the red head
"oh the names Kirishima Eijiro " Kirishima says and turns to Zenaku
"I'll be back dude I gotta talk to blondie here" he said and started walking to the door stopping and turning to me
"you coming or not" he snarled making me get up and follow him outside.

I was scared cause I thought I was gonna get beaten up
"so when can I come over to yours for this shitty project?" The red head asks making me panic and raise my hands
"N-no! Um I mean we uh can we do the p-project at your h-house please?" I asked he shrugged and said yeah we exchanged numbers and he told me to walk out of school with him to go to his house.

Lunch came around and I was walking down the hallways to get outside when I got pulled back by someone, I turn around to see the familiar faces of the three bullies I've known since middle school
"h-hey what are you d-doing I say trying to squirm from Yasha's grip as they pull me into the cove area of the hallway under some stairs and he lets me out of his grip as I fall to the floor and they trap me into the corner and start saying the usual insults and hitting and kicking me.

Once they were satisfied with my black eye, bloody nose and bruises on my stomach they left. After a few minutes of laying on the floor I managed to get up and walked through the cafeteria to the bathrooms, I saw from the corner of my eye Kirishima siting at the table with my bullies I also passed the table Mina was sitting at and saw the pitiful expression on her face. Once I had cleaned the blood of my face the bell went and I went to class.

-time skip-

It was one the end of the day and I was walking towards the gates I noticed spiky red haired boy waiting I walked up to him pushing the anxiety to the back of my mind.
"Hey" he says once he sees my I give a small wave and stand next to him.
"You ready to go" he says looking down at me since I'm short
"mhm" i nod and he starts walking to a fancy looking car and knocks on the tinted window, the window rolls down and he peers inside and says something then turns to me and motions for me to get into the car. I obliged and open the car door sliding across to the other side as Kirishima gets in next to me and the car starts moving we sit in silence until Kirishima pipes up about how he 'didn't see me eat anything today' I respond with a simple
"wasn't hungry" and he thankfully shrugs it off the car pulling up to a stop and we get out. And omg he's basically rich.

A/N: hi everyone sorry it's been so long since I updated but here is a chapter if you'd like to see some of my other books that have more fluff and they're already dating I have 2 books like that both kiribaku anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter 
word count without a/n: 1401
JJ out

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