Chapter 9

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Alexis' POV

After the race last night I just went home and went to bed. Dylan and Lil decided to stay and hang out for a little bit which means they probably both have hangovers right now.

Even though I don't drink, they drink whenever and I usually just keep an eye on them to make sure they aren't being drugged in their drunken state or whatever else could happen.

So, now, here I am on a fine Sunday morning. Since the gang meeting yesterday was cancelled because of my inability to get there on time, it's today at 1.

Looking over at the clock next to my bed I see that it's already 11:30. I get out of bed slowly and practically drag myself over to the bathroom. I take a quick shower and then get ready.

Once I have my makeup on and I'm dressed I put my long hair in a ponytail and go downstairs to eat. It's already 12:15 so I just grab an apple and some bread and then head out the door.

I know I'm going to be early but it's better than being late I guess plus I have some paperwork I need to do in my office.

After the 30 min drive I get out and go straight inside to be greeted by Dylan.

"Wow. look at that. You managed to get here on time today, early actually." Dylan says with fake pride in his voice.

"Whatever." I mumble before pushing past him and walking to my office. As I walked by I couldn't help but realize the bags under his eyes which meant my theory was correct, and he did get wasted last night.

As I continue to walk to my office i get hi's and hellos all the way there. The only girls in our gang are me and Lil, but it never really gets awkward. They're all pretty much like brothers to me, I have no love interest in any of them what so ever.

After about a half an hour of paperwork I get out of my chair and stretch my limbs. When I'm done stretching I head out the door and towards the gang's meeting room. It's basically just one giant circle table really.

Once everyone was in I could see Lil with her head on the table sleeping, which means she drank also. I just casually walk towards her and clap my hands really loud right next to her ear.

She sits up startled and looks around. When her eyes land on me they narrow, making her look like she's going to kill me. But she thinks better and just yawns and props her head up on her hand. Once everyone was settled the meeting began.

For two hours all we talked about was other gangs and the location of our rival gang and when we are going to attack them for the first time. We've been planning this attack for over two months now because they are the strongest and largest gang there is.

After a long two hours I finally get up from my chair and head out after saying bye to everyone.

As soon as I get home I go upstairs and jump into bed, not even bothering to change.
Beep. beep. beep.

Ugh. I roll over and look at the time. 7 a.m. I groan and carefully get out of bed, making sure not to hurt my side.

Once I'm up I head over the bathroom and shower. I then do the usual for school days once I get out. I put on baggy clothes and put on my wig and contacts.

Once I'm done I go downstairs and pop two waffles into the toaster. When the waffles pop up I grab them and head out the door.

I walk slowly to school taking my time. As I'm walking my thoughts wander to Jackson, Austin, and Caden. I have to try my best to avoid all of them, which shouldn't really be a problem considering they don't talk to many other people at school. I sigh, realizing how difficult this might become.

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