Chapter 3

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Alexis' POV
Finally, it's Friday. This has been one of the longest weeks ever. But, at least I get to fight tonight to let off some steam.

There is just 1 min left in my Algebra class which is my last class of the day. I don't mind algebra I've always been really good at it plus I have Lil in this class with me, just like most of my classes.

Dylan is in most of my classes too but he's not as good at algebra as we are so he's in one of the lower classes. Once the last bell of the day goes off I jump out my seat and wait by the classroom door for Lil to come out so we can walk to our lockers together since they are just a couple down from each other.

"geez woman you practically sprinted out of class what has you so excited today?" Lil asks once she finally gets out of the classroom. "oh you know it's just been a long week and I'm ready to get out of here and go to the Underground" underground is the illegal underground place that I go to fight. Both Lil and Dylan know that if it's a Friday night that's where I'll be unless I tell them otherwise, which isn't very often

"Ohhh that's why. I think I'll go with you tonight. Dylan says that he wants to fight tonight too." Lilah says. It's not very often that Dylan fights but when he does he usually wins, he's not as good as me but he's still one of the best.

When Lil and I reach our lockers Dylan is already there waiting for us, with a very anxious look on his face. As soon as he reaches us he starts talking "hey guys hurry up so we can leave. I want to get to the Underground I heard there's going to be a new fighter there from one of the other clubs and I want to see him fight." he says all in one breath.

Both me and Lil hurriedly pack up our backpacks and we basically sprint out of school. We all get in our own cars and leave school to go get ready at our own houses.

As soon as I get home I take off my brown wig and contacts and take a shower. I straighten my long blonde hair and put a pony tail holder on my wrist so I can put it up later. I go downstairs and get a snack.

Once I'm done I go put on my fighting mask which is silver with gold swirls all over it. Right as I'm getting ready to leave I get a text from Dylan saying that he's going to pick up Lil and take her and that they'd me there at midnight.

Since I still have about 4 hours until I have to leave I sit down and watch a movie. After the movie I go downstairs to my basement and I do a couple of punches and kicks at my punching bag.

After about an hour and a half of that, I still have an hour left so I go and eat some spaghetti and bread. once I'm done I run upstairs and change into a pair of black skinny jeans, a tight fitting white v-neck and my black leather jacket and black combat boots. After changing I go to my bathroom and touch up makeup which consists of a smokey eye, a cat eye eyeliner, and mascara. I then sprint downstairs and go out to my garage. Since I'm driving by myself I take my favorite ride, my custom black motorcycle. Since I'm running a little late I speed down the road. My blonde hair is whipping around everywhere as I speed down the road to one of the worst areas in town, luckily though my helmet is keeping my hair from completely blinding me as I drive.

About half way there I notice a blue Ferrari driving up next to me. As I look inside the car there are about three guys that look to be my age in the car.

I can only see the guy that is driving he looks to be my age maybe a year older. He has dark brown hair and if I'm being honest he's pretty hot. When he sees me looking at him he smirks.

So he's one of the arrogant type, wonderful. After about 3 more seconds of staring at them I smirk at them and speed up so they are quickly behind me. I then make a sharp right turn cutting them off as I go into the nearest alley so they can't follow me. Luckily, the alley led me across the street from the fight club. Once I park my bike outside in the alley I hop off my bike and take my helmet off. I grab my bag with my fight clothes in it and go inside.

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