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I have so many plans in mind for this story but yet I'm not good at writting as good as I think in my head🤦🏻‍♀️ but I'll try and I'm very glad that I can come on here to write my ideas without any judgement I really appreciate that, Happy New year 😝💕!

Jimin wakes up luckily it's the weekend so he doesn't need to get ready for school but he does need to get ready for the sleepover with Jin and his friends, oh and that dude called "Jungkook". Anyways he looks over at his phone on the nightstand that has a message notification from last night at 11:53 pm. He sits up and rubs his eyes waiting for his eyes to adjust to the bright sunlight. Once they do he reaches for his phone and notices the text message is from "Taehyung" shit I forgot Jin put taehyung into my contacts..he talks to himself in his mind. He goes on his phone and sees the texts.
<.                                                   10:27 A.M
                                                   Hey Jungkook
Hello baby😘
Read just now

Jimin widens his eyes "Jin texted him?! Now he thinks I texted him..whatever" Jimin gets up and goes into the bathroom he then turns on the shower into warm water. Then undressed himself and gets in. After he takes a warm shower he gets out and drys himself with his light soft pink towel then changes into this outfit..

 After he takes a warm shower he gets out and drys himself with his light soft pink towel then changes into this outfit

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(The shirt is included too)

He smiles at himself in the mirror admiring
himself for awhile he then brushes his hair and heads downstairs to make breakfast. He eventually finishes making pancakes.


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"Yummy!" Jimin says while eating a bite from the soft pancake.He gets a text message from Jin that he'll pick him up in 10 minutes. "Hm I have enough time to finish my delicious breakfast!" Jimin smiles.

*Couple Minutes Later*

Jimin heard a knock on the door so he gets up and washes his plate then goes to open the door to see his friend "Jin" "Hello my child!!" Jin says while smiling at the shorter male. "Hai hai!" Jimin smiles. "Come on get your stuff for the sleepover before they arrive before us!" Jin says while entering the house and sitting down on the living room couch. "Okayy!" Jimin runs upstairs to get his small bag he packed for the sleepover then heads downstairs. "I'm ready!" Jimin gets his phone and keys. "Okay lets go then" Jin gets up and heads out the door before Jimin locks the door. They both get into the car and Jin starts driving towards his house.

After the arrive the both settle down in Jin's house they prepare the snacks and food. They both hear a knock from the front door. "Coming!" Jimin runs to the front door and opens it revealing Namjoon,Jungkook,Jhope,Yoongi, Taehyung. "Heyy" they all say before entering. "Hello guys me and Jimin we're preparing the snacks and foods,but we're done!" Jin smiles. "Oh okay well we're here and ready for the sleepover!" Jhope says. "Yep I brought the banana milk!" Jungkook says excitedly while setting the bottles down that were inside a bag. Jimin just stands awkwardly next to Jin while accidentally making eye contact with Taehyung multiple times and each time he does, he blushes slightly. "Oh yea jiminie! I forgot to introduce you to my Boyfriend!" Jin smiles while hugging Namjoon. Jimin looks at them both "oh really!? That's cute!" Jimin smiles at them both. "Yep infact everyone in here is in a relationship except Jiminie and Tae Tae" Jungkook says while grinning. "Maybe the can both get together" Jhope says while he hits gently tae's shoulder. "No thanks I'll pass.." Jimin says while giggling. And the other members widen their eyes while gasping "wow! Damn Taehyung are you really going to let Jimin do you like that?!" They laugh but stops once Taehyung says something..

Haha cliffhanger 😝 I'm sorry hehe but I'll update in a few days or in a day! Are you guys enjoying the story so far?? And like I said this is my first ever story I have written in Wattpad so I'm new to all of this🙃 hope you support me! Bye bye have a good day cya in the next chapter 🥰🥰

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