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"Ugh... Where the hell am I?" 
Orbit looked around the place, it was empty, except for one long corridor.
"Well What could go wrong? I mean.." She stopped her sentence midway and followed where the corridor led.

Then she saw him.

"Hey! Doctor Identity! It's me! Uh, ya know the person who's been in the hospital for like a year-"
But he didn't say anything, he looked miserable, like his life-force was drained out of him.

He then started to walk towards Orbit, she tried to go back, but when she turned around, there was a wall.
"Awe shit, not this, anything but this."
He got closer, and closer, until he simply, tapped Orbit, causing her to completely freeze up, she couldn't move,hear,feel,see she couldn't breathe, she was just.. Frozen.

She woke up in a sweat, gasping for air, to see herself locked up in handcuffs.
"Wh..What the fuck!?" She looked her her right to see doctor identity, also in handcuffs.

Orbit heard police sirens soon after.

"OH THANK GOD, okay, police this'll sound weird but-" She noticed something, the police looked.. Off, it gave her a weird feeling. It was like they were being controlled by something.

She got shot in the heart. She didn't even have time to blink, it all happened so fast.

"HUH!?" She looked around to see her cousin, frost, next to her, his hair was died blue though. Huh.. She then realized that this was the same corridor she was in in her dream, it gave her chills.
She woke her cousin frost up, they tried to explain what happened, and then left, to find a way out.

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