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???: y/n! y/n! wake up your gonna be late! y/n wake-up!

I wake up from my Dreamland and realize that my mom was calling me. the way she shouted already made my headache. I opened my eyes only to see a bright light. I finally adjusted to the light of my surroundings. I sat up

Mom: look who's up! good morning sleeping beauty! she said weirdly 

y/n: good morning mom... I said and hugged her 

Mom: come down I have already made breakfast come down when you are done with your stuff. She said with a smile on her face.
She went out of my room with that. I grabbed my phone to check the time, was it. After I checked the time I was very annoyed and irritated because it was freaking 7:30 and our school starts at 9:45 am. She often wakes me up saying I'm late but... It's always early as hell.
Y/n: MOM! NOT AGAIN! I yell. I hear mom burst into laughter loudly. I stomped my feet to the bathroom. I checked the date, I suddenly got delighted and excited. my eyes widened. My birthday was tomorrow today was 19th Sept. I jumped out of the bathroom. I lightly put on a little makeup and dressed up. I went to the kitchen and then found mom I ran to her and said while jumping with a large smile on my face
Y/n: Mom I'm going to be 16! Tomorrow is my birthday!
Mom: advanced happy birthday honey! Oh, and you're gonna know who is going to be your soulmate!
Y/n: ne! Eomma! Where is Oppa by the way?
Mom: he is still sleeping...
She said with a little hint of annoyance in her voice.

Of course, he was sleeping, he was Min Yoongi the sleepy head.

I went to oppa's room with a mischievous smile on my face. As soon as I got to his room I saw he was sound asleep. I took his phone and called his girlfriend, by 17 years everyone has a gf or bf.
I called his gf, Jang-mi eonni
Jang-mi eonni: hello babe good morning!
Y/n: you wish?
Jang-mi eonni: oh y/n?
Y/n: ne eonni
Jang mi eonni: how are you-
Y/n: we don't have time for that Oppa is still sleeping. We need to wake him up!
I called her because only her high-pitched, loud voice could wake this sleepy head.

I take the phone and put it on speaker so that it would be louder.
She shouted as I instructed her to.
Yoongi: No! Why?
I burst out into laughter. So did eonni.
Y/n: eonni he'll call you later bye
Jang-mi eonni: bye-

As soon as I cut the call Oppa looked at me. His hair was messed up and he had plastered a creepy smile on his face, he sat up gesturing me 'run for your life, I told you not to mess with me when I'm sleeping'

I ran to mom, I already made a fake excuse so that he would get scolded without even doing something.

Y/n: Mom, Oppa hit me on my arm. It hurts so much!
I said getting into the act.

Mom was already annoyed because he wouldn't wake up when she called him. And then this. She got angry easily.
Yoongi came to the kitchen to see me being already there and holding my arm while hissing.
He already knew what was coming. He sighed.
Mom: you are  23-year-old not some teen just teasing her sister. C'mon yoongi-ah
She is 8 years younger than you! And you're in your 20s still living with your parents because you're too lazy to move out.

I tried to hold in my laughter

Time skip

It was 9:30 am now and we still had a bit of time left before our classes start.
Sun-hi: so..? How was your morning.
She said smiling
Y/n: don't even ask, but there is one good thing, my birthday is tomorrow!
Sun-hi: yea! Happy birthday!
You're gonna find your soul mate
She says and starts dancing like a crazy girl.
She was my first friend from 3rd grade. She was new in our class. I was an introvert, so I didn't talk to others that much. She wanted to be friends with me because I gave her good vibes or that what she said. I and sun-hi had the same schedule so we would always be together except for the extracurricular class. I went to the cooking class, while she went to the sports class.

Our first two classes when all well!
But the third class was terrible.
I went to class. It was our maths class. Our maths teacher was awful. It looked like she wanted to show her body more than to teach. According to me, she loved attention or something.
Our heart Throb of the school was also present there.
Jeon Jungkook
Oh, how I wished he was my soulmate... His and my mom were best friends. We still meet, but not as much we did. Earlier we used to play a lot but as time passed we no more even talked. I had a huge crush on him. Not to mention all the female students and teachers drooled over him!
Mrs Han our maths teacher was wearing a dress, exposing her thigh, the dress had a very thin strap. It exposed her cleavage and her back. She had put on a lot of makeup. All the boys only came to her class to go out of the class horny. Because Jungkook got a lot of attention from girls it wasn't a big deal for him.
I fell asleep.
Sun-hi: hey wake up. She said with nervousness in her voice. while she was poking me with her hand. the whole class goes silent. 

I suddenly feel something bad was about to happen. I turn my head to ask what happened. what I saw was what I didn't what to, Mrs Han was angry. nobody wanted to see an angry Mrs Han. she did come to show her body to get attention indeed, but when she didn't get the attention she could even go to body shaming and stuff. 

Mrs Han: why were you sleeping in my class? 

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