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Mrs Han: why were you sleeping in my class?
She said coldly giving me a death glare.
I didn't say anything. I just put my head low. Knowing what was coming, I tried to get hold of myself.
she said shouting at me.

I got nervous this time and decided to apologise.
Y/n: I -I am sorry Mrs Han
Mrs Han: SORRY?! Can your sorry give my time back which I wasted to teach you?
She yelled.
Waste of time?! Don't teach us then!
Neither was I surprised at her words nor was hurt.
I bowed and apologized again.
Y/n: I'm sorry Mrs Han, it won't happen again...
She scoffed and said
Mrs Han: go to the board and solve the sum.
I took one look at the sum
And I knew I couldn't solve it. And it was one of the toughest sums, and I was already weak in that subject.
Y/n: i-i don't know how to do it.
I said full of nervousness in my voice. I was ashamed. Everyone was laughing at me. Sun-hi had a concerned look on her face. So did Jungkook. I don't know why but he just did. Made me feel weird.
Mrs Han: sucks to be a girl without beauty or intelligence. Pretty useless 
I couldn't control my tears at these words now. Hardly anyone called me beautiful and I wasn't that good at almost any subject. I couldn't hold my self anymore. I just took my belongings and went out of the class running.
I heard laughing noises from the class. I start to run faster.  tears of shame were flowing from my eyes. I went to a secret place. It was at the back of the school in the abandoned art room. I went inside. I sat on the chair put my hands on my face and I started crying.
Suddenly I saw the doorknob turned and the door opened. I was a bit of confused because no one used to come inside this room.
It was Jeon Jungkook.
Why did he come into this room? Did he follow me?
No, he wouldn't. Why would he follow a girl like me?
I just guess that few people other than me may also know this place?
I just apologize and try to get away from that room for now.
Jungkook: y/n? Come here
He says and hugs me.


Mrs Han: why were you sleeping in my class?
She says and glares at my soulmate.
I suddenly have a nervous feeling. Except it wasn't my emotion it was y/n's. She was silent for a few seconds.
She says again. I feel her being a bit scared and embarrassed.
She apologized while she stuttered due to nervousness.
Mrs Han: SORRY?! Can your sorry give me my time back that I wasted in teaching you?
I hear her think in my mind
"Waste of time? Then don't teach us!"
I mentally scolded her because it was her fault too! She shouldn't have been sleeping!
She apologised again
Y/n: I'm sorry Mrs Han, it wouldn't happen again.
She just scoffed at her words and told her to solve the sum on the board.
This is just unfair. She, herself was struggling to solve that sum.
Y/n took one glance at the sum written on the board and just said stuttering again.
Y/n: I don't know how to do it.
She was ashamed of her self I can feel it.
She looked at her best friend and them me. She thought " why is jungkook with a concerned look on his face?"
I was a bit pissed because she thought that. I already knew that she had a crush on me.
Mrs Han: it sucks to be a girl without beauty or intelligence. Pretty useless.
I was just angry at her words. Not just angry-
I was furious.
She took her belongings and ran out of the class. I saw tears in her eyes. I saw her cry, I felt her pain.
I ran to Mrs Han and she said
Mrs Han: jungkook? Honey do you need some help-
Me: look at yourself before you tell anyone anything.
Her expression changed into an angry one.
Mrs Han: don't say that its rude-
Me: also can't wait to report you
I said as I smirked.
I ran out of the class trying to follow y/n
She ran to the back of the school the to... Abandoned
Art room?
Why would she go there?
Anyways I still followed her. She went into the room and I felt her crying again.
I entered the room and I hear her think in my mind
" why would he come for a girl like me?
Maybe others also come in this room"
My heart ached a little at her words, but I had no options. I can't tell her yet.

She tried to apologize and leave
Why would she apologise though?
Me: y/n? Come here
I said and hugged her.

End of Jungkook pov

I was a bit surprised. 
Y/n: what are you doing?
Jungkook: hugging you...
And don't cry anymore.
Y/n: Thank you... But... Why?
Jungkook: just don't.
(A/n: yes y/n has to be a bit dumb so that she doesn't get why Jungkook is hugging her)
My heart was fluttering.
I hugged him back. I needed a hug.
The bell rang and we broke the hug.
It was a bit awkward.
But I bowed and ran away.
But this time he took my sadness away.
There was a bright smile while I was running away.
Never knew love could feel like this.
But soon I had to get rid of this love.
I will know who is my soul mate today night.
As much as I can't wait to meet my soulmate. Is less than how much I still want to love Jungkook...

Sometimes even if loving someone hurts, you still want to love them. They cause you pain but they are also the reason for your happiness.
                        ~ a/n note

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