Current time- Confrontation

152 7 4

"Killua..I have a question if you'll be okay answering." He turned around tossing a shirt on and looking at me. "Sure go ahead, your my friend i'll answer anything." "That's the problem. So you think of me as a friend but only that..but I'm in love with you Killua."

 "You- your what?" "I'm in love with you." Killua sighed, but it didn't sound mad more relieved. "Well that's good! Cause I love you too." Killua pulled me close to him, as tears filled in my eyes..I never would've thought of this outcome. After everything that's happened i only got ready for the worst.

"Well I just want to know what we are.." Killua shook his head "That's just it! You don't get it, I don't want to date you..I'm not ready. Your trying to go so fast, I know you've liked me for awhile but this whole thing is new to please just wait a little longer." "You could've said that before." "I know..let's just go to school already." "Fine but you have to buy me lunch cause of this." "Oh come on!- fine.." Killua made a sad face with fake tears hiding in his eyes. 

"Haha, I'm only joking just say sorry." "I'm sorry gon, won't you ever forgive me pleeeaaase..or maybe-" He grabs my face and pulls me towards him so close i can feel his breath on my neck.   "-You want this as an apology." Leaning in, our lips touch. His lips are so warm and smooth... we stayed this was for awhile before he broke off. "Was that good enough?" "I don't know..maybe not?" He giggles "Okay" He goes back to my lips and kisses me again, this time with tongue. It feels so nice and even better than a regular one I just wish we cold stay like this forever.. "Okay, I forgive you."

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