the calm before the storm •1

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AN-  thank you to my wonderful editor for fixing this chapter 

TW- mention of death and injury

Adayln's pov


Adayln's pov

It felt like waking up from a dream or I suppose falling asleep and waking up in a dream, but Hogwarts was breathtaking. There was no better word for it. There was a great lake that neighbored it on one side and a giant forest on the other, great sloping lawns, several greenhouses and small buildings surrounding the castle. Yeah, castle.

The school was a castle, a literal freaking castle.

And I was incredibly out of place.

I walk down the cold corridors with my godmother, Minerva McGonagall, who I always called Minnie. I felt a bit out of place, an American in no-maj clothing, just a pair of jeans, a tank top and a thin white and tan flannel overtop. I rubbed my arms and let out a huff "Is it always this cold at this school?" I ask as a look up at her. she chuckled softly at my movements.

Minnie was an older witch with sharp features and her greying hair pulled into a tight bun on her head. She wore beautiful green robes and a floppy wizard's hat atop her head as well as a small pair of glasses just on the end of her nose.

"You'd be warmer if you wore your coat as I told you to." Her voice came out strict but I knew she was teasing me. I rolled my eyes lightheartedly and gave her a small smile.

I truly loved my godmother. Although she seemed a bit uptight, she was always kind and fair, I could always understand her reasoning behind her actions. I understood that I could no longer stay at Ilvermorny, the American wizarding school. I was too young to be in a country by myself with no family.

My parents had died in a car crash and my life had been a whirlwind since. I'd had to stay at Ilvermorny over part of my summer break until Minnie had been able to come pick me up. I'm forever grateful for her taking me in.

She began to speak which made me leave my thoughts "You will be sorted into a house based on your beliefs and personality." I raised an eyebrow wondering just how that worked. How could they possibly know my personality in the first meeting and if they did, well good luck to them. I stopped walking.

"Wait. Explain. House?" I asked curiously.

She smiled at my confused face "I only have time to give you the basic rundown. Hufflepuffs are loyal, dedicated and honest people. Gryffindors are brave, courageous and usually not without a strong moral compass. Slytherins are cunning, resourceful and determined people and lastly Ravenclaws are witty, intelligent people who love to learn for the sake of curiosity and creativity. It picks where you'll be staying while you're here at Hogwarts, most commonly people are closest with those in their own house." she said matter-of-factly. I nodded, still slightly confused, but brushing it off. I was just glad to know where I'd be staying. "Since you're a fourth year, you'll only have one roommate." she said, looking forward.

I grinned, being an only child having someone my age around was an exciting prospect. I wore my emotions like a mask, it was obvious to tell what I was feeling. I bit my bottom lip in an attempt to hide my smile. I had a good feeling about Hufflepuff, though none of the other houses sounded that bad at all.

A young kid, likely not any older than 12 came running up to Minnie. He was speaking a million miles an hour."We were playing outside and I got my wand stuck in a tree so my friend tried to get it and now he's stuck up there." He paused, caught his breath and gave her a wide eyed expression.

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