c h a p t e r 1 9 ~ unfinished bussiness

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"Yeah, my beautiful girlfriend and I heard what's going on."

We poofed over by the Orpheum, and Willie started to explain how Caleb's stamp was making the jolts

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We poofed over by the Orpheum, and Willie started to explain how Caleb's stamp was making the jolts.

"So all these jolts were feeling is because Caleb put his stamp on us?" asked Luke, Willie quickly spoke, "He's threatened by you. He wants you under his control. You're the only ghosts that can be visible to lifers without his help."

"And you let him do this to us?" Alex asked, I could tell he was hurt. Willie turned to Alex, "I can't stop him, he owns my soul. Alright? He owns everybody's soul at that club. If he even knows I was talking to you. He... he would destroy me."

Reggie frowned pulling me closer, "So if we don't join his club, the weird power outage thing continues until theirs no power left at all?" Willie sighed, "Yes." I continued Reggie's question, "What exactly happens when the power goes out?" Willie looked at me, "That's it your... you're done."

"Yeah, so what do you exactly mean by we're done?" asked Reggie, Willie quickly turned to face him, "That's it... You're done... You don't exist anymore... Not anywhere." "What?" Asked Alex, Luke took a step forward, "So we have no choice? We have to say goodbye to Julie, give up everything we've built together, and go work for Caleb?... That's some club you guys have going on."

"But there is another option. That's why I'm here." Willie spat out, Alex scoffed, "Another option?" Willie turned to face him, "Just please hear me out alright? If you all could figure out what your unfinished business is, you do that in time, you could crossover and be free from all of this."

"So... what's our unfinished business?" Asked Luke, Willie shrugged, "I don't know, but since you all died at the same time, it might be something you need to do together."

"Why should we listen to a word you say?" Snapped Alex, Willie took a deep breath and took a step towards him, "Because I care about you Alex. And I hate that I brought you, and your friends, into this mess. I uh... I can't be away much longer, I'm sorry... for everything." Willie said and then poofed away.

Alex stepped forward, "This is all my fault, I met Willie, Willie introduced us to Caleb, and now... now we're screwed." I shook my head, "We all wanted to go see Caleb." Reggie sighed, "We have to tell Julie."

Luke shook his head, "No, we can't do that. That just means more loss in her life, but if we don't want Caleb to own our souls, then we have to figure out our unfinished business." Alex argued, "Yeah man how are we supposed to do that? All right? There was so much we wanted to do."

Luke looked up, "Yeah, but the night we died, there was one thing we all wanted to do, together." We all looked where he was looking, I saw the Orpheum, "Play the Orpheum?" Asked Reggie.

"Getting that gig was literally impossible. Even after people knew who we were, we had to hustle, call in every favor we had. It took us years." Alex told us, another jolt crashed through our bodies, "We don't have years." Luke said, then we all poofed back to the studio.

"Laur can I ask you something?" Reggie asked as we poofed onto the roof because he said he wanted to talk, "Anything Reg, you know that." I told him, he started, "Okay so I know we're just dating right now and we don't know how long we're gonna be here. But I'm completely and utterly in love with you. So I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend?" "Definitely!" I exclaimed, his face lit up, and he pulled me in for a quick kiss. "I love you." I said, and we poofed back down to the studio.

"Hey Laur, hey Reggie." Alex said and Luke waved, "Reggie, Laur, why are you so happy? Did you not hear what Caleb's doing to us?" Luke asked, Reggie, nodded, "Yeah my beautiful girlfriend and I heard what's going on."

Luke and Alex looked at us in shock, "Girlfriend?!" They both exclaimed at the same time, Alex came over and hugged me, "See I always told you that you two would be together and that all those tears were a waste of time." Luke went over to Reggie, "If you hurt her, I hurt you." "I wouldn't dream of it." Reggie said.

And then realization fell on his face, "Wait she cried over me? Like how often?" He asked concerned, "Not that much." I mumbled because it was a lie, Alex looked at Reggie, "Only like every day, it was always the same thing, Does he like me? I thought he liked me? Why is he so cute? It's been three years how come he hasn't asked me out yet?" "Shut it," I said as I hit Alex on the shoulder.

Reggie came over and hugged me, "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner." "It's whatever. Let's just cuddle I'm tired." I said, he nodded, "Okay, we can cuddle on the pull-out couch."

I fell asleep in his arms forgetting all about Caleb and his stamp.

a/n- surprise! i decided to post two chapters today! sorry this chapter is shorter but i still love it and i hope you do too! also be prepared next chapter is the unsaid emily chapter.

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