eleven ;; the boy he likes

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"i didn't mean to." taehyung broke the hug and the other smiled, a genuine one before wiping the other's cheeks.

taehyung did the same and wiped the creature's tears, mumbling, "im so sorry."

"i kinda expected it, tae. what i didn't expect was you ignoring me." the raven head said taking a step back, that made the human look down at his own pair of converse.

"let me make it up to you, then." taehyung suggested, with a small smile, "after class, we can go somewhere."


"uh leave all that to me. shh." taehyung placed his palms on jeongguk's shoulders and leaned down laughing, "it's a date."

"wait what?" jeongguk snapped, his pupils dilating when his eyes widened at the words.

"im joking, chill! look at you, you seem like you just saw a ghost." taehyung laughed out loud standing straight and jeongguk just looked away, all shy.

"even if i wanted to take you on a date, i wouldn't cause you already like someone else." taehyung threw his arm over the other's arm and started walking out of the rooftop.

the creature decided to stay quiet and he did― only if taehyung knew, damn. that would be such a fine plot twist for him.

jeongguk was walking alongside the other and didn't realize that were already descending the stairs.

"where are we going?"

"to the canteen. today you will eat me, i meant― eat with me, oh lord!" taehyung started laughing at the mistake that made the other's blood rush to his cheeks.

but however, the giddy storm inside him didn't make him forget that taehyung was actually taking him to the cafeteria.

i repeat, the cafeteria.

"you know. i don't like eating there. i am better alone." jeongguk tried to excuse himself but the human wasn't stopping anytime soon.

jeongguk's heart beat, just listen to it, my guy― it was unhealthily fast and probably taehyung can hear it too; but too dense to realize.

"tae―" jeongguk couldn't refuse when he grabbed his wrist and dragged him in the cafeteria, now that jeongguk's hoodie was off and everyone could see his face, they were the centre of attention.

"taehyung, just leave his hand, you might die. he is a walking plague." someone said and taehyung just ignored.

jeongguk looked down at the floor and let the other drag him to the table where jimin was sitting with their backpacks.

"tae―" jimin paused seeing his best friend holding the 'demon's hand and looked up at the other, all he could see was a face that was nothing close to demon, his eyes turning white from purple

"he is harmless, chim and trust me." taehyung forced jeongguk to sit beside him as he grabbed the chair next to jimin's.

"oh okay." the cotton candy haired boy mumbled, stealing glances at the raven head who didn't say a word since the moment they entered here.

"what do you wanna eat?"

jeongguk saw the other smiling at him, his chin resting on the cusp of his palm as he dreamily looked at him.

"what's you favourite?" the raven head questioned back instead of answering.

"i like the grilled chicken sandwiches they sell here." taehyung informed and jeongguk nodded, "then buy me that."

the tone jeongguk used was so cute with the expression that was expressing gratitude, the human internally cooed.

"okay then, jimin get him a sandwich please." taehyung said to the one who was just staring at the both of them.

"why me, man?" jimin groaned and left with a sigh.

"you're very very cute." jeongguk blushed at the comment and smiled making the other smile.

"and i am so sorry about my father. i really believed that he would―" taehyung apologized for the nth time.

"hey―" the raven head called, slowly reaching out for taehyung's hand on the table and hesitantly held them as if they were the most fragile thing to exist.

"if your dad decided to help, that would be surprising." jeongguk pointed out, "i am used to it and now it doesn't bother me."


"shh. just shut up, tae. i said this doesn't bother me. it's all good." jeongguk's eyes were slightly glowing while he was talking.

it was as if taehyung was his serotonin boost.

he always made him happy.

"you're unbelievable, i have never seen someone like you. why don't you fight for yourself? people won't stop bothering you if you don't take a stand for yourself."

jeongguk understood what the other meant to say but what about his mother's restrictions?

he was helpless. did taehyung think that jeongguk didn't know how to fight for himself or he didn't want to― cause hell! he wanted to punch them all to hell.

"it's, just." jeongguk trailed off.

he wouldn't say anything more and thank lord that jimin came back with the sandwich.

"here is your sandwich, dude." jimin slid the plate towards jeongguk's direction and gulped before settling back on his chair.

"are you really dangerous?" jimin asked in a small voice, his eyes carefully on the creature's physique.

"yeah i will rip your small body apart." jeongguk all of a sudden pranked on the other and hit the table.

the cotton candy haired male almost fell from the chair.

"bad joke, man." jimin balanced himself and smiled at the hashtag monster boy.

jeongguk giggled.

"I'm sorry taehyung but your friend is faint hearted." jeongguk said that caused the other glare, "from what i've heard, it's not my fault."

"uh ya." jeongguk nodded, pressing his lips in a thin line.

"tae, i totally forgot that i had to get to the library to give back the book. so will be right back!" jimin excused himself and rushed out of the scene.

maybe he wasn't that used to seeing jeongguk around but taehyung knew he will be alright.

"can i ask you something?"

"even if i say no, you will, so ask it already." jeongguk rubbed on his left eyebrow and grabbed that sandwich.

"well jeongguk, will you please tell me who's the boy you like?"


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