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The last stop for the date was a a scenic view of the city. Jungkook did a lot of research to find this spot and luckily for them, no one was there that night.

"Okay when I count to three you can open your eyes okay?" JP was giggling, and rushing Jungkook. "Okay okay! I want to see what it is."

Jungkook did some last minute touches and he began to count down. "One...two...three. Open your eyes,"

JP opened her eyes and was hit with a beautiful view that overlooked the city night lights. She was speechless. "Do you like it?"

"Jungkook, you never cease to amaze me. How did you find out about this place?" JP moved closer to the fence to get a better view and Jungkook followed behind her, wrapping his arms around her.

"I did my research. I'm glad you like it,"

The two stood in silence, enjoying the feeling of being in each others arms. I think I like Jungkook...

"Here come and sit, I prepared this blanket and some dessert!" 

"Thank you Jungkook!" The two sat enjoying the view. 

"So Jungkook tell me, why do you like me exactly?" He looked at her with a soft expression and a smile, "Well, what's not to like?" JP sat quietly with a smile, waiting for him to continue. 

"The way you smile is beautiful, the way you look at other things like this view, you look at it as if it could disappear. I like that you get along with my hyungs very well. I like that you're open and that you're not afraid to stand up to yourself, even with your parents. I like that...even though you're unsure about your feelings, you still went out on a date with me. To figure it out. That takes a lot of courage as far as I know. You're And I like that a lot."

JP didn't know how to respond but she felt more butterflies in her stomach. "Are you okay? Your face is red." He held out his hand to feel her forehead but she turned away, making her blush even more. "I'm okay, just a bit hot is all."

Jungkook realized what he did and his bunny smile appeared. Standing up, he moved to sit right behind her so she was in between his legs. "You're so cute when you blush," He whispered in her ear making her even redder, she hid her face in her legs. Making Jungkook laugh, "Please don't hide. I'm sorry for teasing."

"It's okay," She lifted her head and continued to look out at the view. So many thoughts were running through her mind. She felt even more confused about her feelings that she thought she was going to explode. She needed to tell someone but she didn't know who. She was then taken out of her thoughts by Jungkook's phone ringing.


"Jungkook? Hey I know you're out on your date but it's getting late man. You two should be heading back home soon okay?" Jin said on the other end. "Okay mom,"

The two giggled and he hung up. "I guess that's our cue to go." Jungkook sadly said as he rested his head on her shoulder. "Yeah, but we can go out again soon." His ears perked up, "Really? You mean..."

"I'm still unsure but...I'd like to go out again though,"

That's all Jungkook needed to hear before he hugged her tightly and then planted so many kisses around her face. "Jungkook!" She said while laughing.

"I'm sorry but I'm just really happy to hear that you'd want to go out again." The two cleaned up and drove back home.


Jungkook walked into his hotel room with a huge smile on his face but was surprised to see all of his hyungs in there as well. They all looked at him with a knowing look and then smirks appeared on their faces.

" was the date?" Hoseok asked while wiggling his eyebrows.

"It was really good hyung...really good," 

"That's good. Now we need to discuss our plans for our upcoming schedules." Jin changed the topic, knowing how Taehyung felt about it.


After about an hour, they were still discussing plans when Hoseok received a phone call. To his surprise, it was from JP. "Excuse me guys, I need to take this. I'll be back." Yoongi was next to him and saw who called, he eyed his friend but shrugged it off. 

Hoseok left the room and made his way to his own room before answering the call.


"Hey Hoseok oppa...did I call at a bad time?"

"No no, you're fine. What's wrong? You sound sad JP."

"I'm not sad...just a little confused."

"Okay well talk to me. I'll listen."

"It's about Taehyung and Jungkook. They're both really great guys and the dates I had fun on. But I don't know, after today's date with Jungkook I felt different about it. I had different feelings than what I felt with Taehyung. I can't differentiate if I like Jungkook more than Taehyung or vice versa."

"Well let's figure this out slowly okay? There's no need to hurry your feelings. I know both Taehyung and Jungkook are patient and they understand to not rush you. So tell me, how did you feel when you went out with Tae?"

"I felt happy. Really happy. But...overtime, I think I fell out of my feelings for him. Ever since you all abandoned me, I just dropped my romantic feelings towards him. And I tried on our date together, like I said I had fun but...I don't think my feelings for him are there anymore."

" then what about Jungkook?"

"Today was really fun. I enjoyed myself and I felt comfortable around him. Despite him having to attend that meeting, I still waited and enjoyed myself afterwards. He's just so sweet around me and he knows how to make me laugh, even become red as a tomato!" Hoseok and JP laughed at that.

"JP I think you've already figured out your feelings for him."

"...thank you Hoseok oppa."

"I didn't do anything, I just listened and you figured it out all on your own."

"But still, thank you."

"Anytime JP. If anything, thank you for reaching out to me. I'm happy to be of help,"

"Well I'm going to bed now, goodnight. And please don't tell them anything yet,"

"I promise. Goodnight JP."


Hoseok re-entered the room and his friends looked at him. "What took you so long?"

"Sorry I was busy talking to my sister. She just wanted to talk to me for a bit,"

"Oh okay!"

He took his seat next to Yoongi who would be asking questions later on.

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