chapter 3.

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I woke up with the sun warmly shining on my face, but it didn't feel warm to me. In just two days I had lost the person I cared about the most, survived a fire and almost lost an important friend. As I tried to move my body felt sore and tired. I didn't even try to get up. Instead i laid my head down again and noticed that the "pillow" that I slept on was Mika. not caring and just falling asleep again I listened to the beating of his heart and the rhythm of his breathing.

This time waking up I woke up from mika shifting. As I looked up he realized that he woke me up. With a small smile on his face he said: 'good morning, sorry I didn't mean to wake you up.'

'it's fine, anyway I'm happy to see that your okay... For as far as you can be.' I said noticing his burned shirt. 'haha, yeah aside from my clothes I'm fine.' He said. He looked at me. 'if your still tired you can sleep some more, I'll just pack up the stuff that I managed to save.'

'no, I'm fine I'll help you.' I said not wanting him to do everything alone. 'but what about your hands? they look pretty bad.' He said concerned. I looked at my hands. They were completely red and had some small blisters on them. I was sure that the burns were really bad yesterday. Probably imagined it. 'it's okay as long as I watch out a bit.'

'if you say so...' he said. 'but what are we going to do now?' I asked him. 'we can go to the house that I live in, in the town.' Mika said. 'okay...'

'Ah- I just remembered I saved the packages that were in the box too.' Mika said as he walked up to the pile of stuff that he saved. After a minute or so of digging through the pile he pulled out the packages, Walked back to me and handed them over. As he sat down I opened the packages. In the first one there was a dark green cloak and in the second there was a bow and some arrows in a leather sleeve. 'Wow, that's cool.' Mika said. It looked like a simple bow but once I picked it up I could feel the perfect balance and all of the hard work that went into it. I drew back the bow string and could feel some kind of energy flowing through my body. 'This is amazing.' I said. my gaze was captivated by the beautiful art work engraved in the wood. 'We should go to the town as soon as we can.' Mika said. 'Right, but you might want to put on something else.'

'Don't worry I have an old cloak with me.' He said while grabbing a brown cloak out of the bag that we just packed. As he put it on I put on mine.

We started walking towards the town. Me with my dark green cloak on and my new bow hidden underneath it and a leather bag with some books and Mika with a brown old cloak and a bag with cooking stuff and some other things we needed.

'Are you sure that you want to come with me?' I asked Mika. 'Yup, it's pretty boring here anyways.' He said. 'If you say so but you better not chicken out halfway alright!' I said.

'E-eh what do you take me for?' He said while looking offended. 'Calm down I was just kidding.' I said. 'not funny.'

'Right, sorry.' I said while trying not to laugh. Some people passing by looked at us. 'Even they think that you're weird.' Mika said. 'Oh shut up.'

And so we talked for a bit while walking to town. When we arrived I was really surprised since I had never been to the town before. 'Are you done looking around?' Mika asked. 'Yeah yeah, let's go to the place you mentioned.' I said. 'Let's go then.' He said. As we arrived at the place he was talking about mika was called by someone. There came a strict looking lady walking to us. 'A-ah hey miss Stone.' He said awkwardly laughing. 'What are you doing there is a lot of work to do for you.' she said irritated. 'I'm sorry miss but I'm not going back, I'm going to travel with Milea.' He said while pointing at me. Miss stone looked me dead in the eye and she looked shocked when she saw my eyes. She grabbed me and Mika by the arm and dragged us inside to house she came out of. 'Are you the girl from Nicolas's farm?' she asked whispering. 'I am, may I ask what's wrong miss?' I asked her. 'Nicolas once told me that he had taken in a young girl and asked me to protect her if I ever saw her without him, so what are you doing here with Mika?' she said. 'Sir Nicolas died.' I replied. 'Oh my I'm sorry to hear that, he was a dear friend of mine.' Miss stone said. I stood there quit confused by the woman. She noticed me looking confused and quickly introduced herself. 'oh I'm sorry dear, my name is Sylvia stone and I am the person taking care of Mika. I understand that he stayed at the farm with you for the past couple of days?'

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