Chapter 8

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Nothing could lighten the damp mood that Jaemin was in. He felt drained and lifeless. His parents fled for their next business trip as their duty of reminding their son about his miserable self was done. On top of that Jeno was being a big pain for him. He was feeling so much that it felt like he was going insane. The whole drama was not enough that Jeno Lee decided to add Renjun in the amalgam as well. The poor soul is an angel. Groaning from the pain that was crawling in his temple he buried his head in the pale blue covers.

"Jeno! What are you doing?!" Jaemin was pushed in the empty classroom by strong arms that caged him between white wall and his sturdy chest.

"I wanted to kiss my boyfriend goodluck before his practice." Jeno said, making a pouty face.

"Yeah but what if someone walks in." Jaemin cautiously eyed the door and heaved a sigh when it was closed.

"Ugh you worry too much." Jeno dismissed him. Jaemin opened his mouth to protest but his action was stopped by a pair of lips crashing into his.

The kiss was slow but Jeno took Jaemin's lower lip between his teeth and tugged it while biting lightly. This bold action made Jaemin buckle a little and he grabbed front of Jeno's shirt for support.

"Ughhhh!!! Why am I thinking about that now?!" Jaemin screamed at himself.

Renjun was on his way to the dorms when Donkhyuck came and informed him that he might be late as he has to meet Professor Baekhyun regarding some theatre stuff.
Strutting through the campus while gazing at the running students Renjun reached his dorm room in about ten minutes. Shuffling around the room he cleaned a bit to make it look humane because it was in utter chaos.

He changed into pajamas as he had no plans on going out so why not be comfy. He connected his phone to the charger and seeing the date 01. Jan. 2020 he cursed at his stupid memory.

'Shit, I have to skype home.'

He hurriedly opened his macbook and connected the call.

After a few moments his mother appeared on the screen and he straightened up to look presentable.

'Hello son!' Came her cheerful voice happy to see her precious baby.

'Hi! Ma!' He smiled so big making his dimple appear.

They talked for a bit then he sucked a breath when his father appeared on the screen.

'How are you? Young man.' His father was wearing his suit, indicating that he just came home from office.

'I am very well. How are you? Father.'

'Good to hear.' Renjun was a bit faltered when his father didn't answer to his later question but he pushed the thought aside.

'Renjun.' His mother called out and he gazed at her.

'Yes Ma.'

'We have bought an apartment for you,  it is near your campus. Your father and I decided that you should be living there.'

Renjun was shocked by the revelation. How could they decide such a thing without even asking him.

'But I am comfortable here. The room is big enough.' He protested in a pleading tone.
This time his father was the one who spoke.

'We are your parents, we know what's best for you. My son, living in a small dorm. It's not good for our image. Pack your stuff till tomorrow I have taken care of the dorm stuff. Uncle Joseph will come to pick you up and help you settle there.'

'Okay, Father.' Renjun agreed as always.

This is too much, how is he gonna live alone. Just thinking that makes him feel sad. Should I ask Hyuck to move in with me? He clutched the sheets as he became anxious.

'But I can't always drag Hyuck with me.' He was really over the fence.

With a heavy heart he started packing his stuff after sending a text to Hyuck telling him about his parents decision.

It's better to say on the phone instead of telling him face to face.

The constant pacing of Jeno was getting nerve wrecking for Mark.

"Would you tell me what's going on because your pacing is making me dizzy."

Jeno let out a sigh and slumped on the bench beside his friend.

The weather was a bit cold so he was cursing his decision of coming to university in a t-shirt.
"Why didn't Jaemin come today. Wasn't today his mass com presentation?"

Mark eyed his friend suspiciously as in why would he care about Jaemin missing his presentation.

"Don't know why. Maybe he informed Mr Walls and rescheduled." Mark shrugged.

"Hmmm maybe..." Jeno hummed while staring straight ahead.

"So your boyfriend would be coming for the game." Mark inquired with a smirk.

"What...oh oh yeah yeah. He would be." Jeno was acting a bit distracted which Mark found concerning.

"Man! Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"You are a bit inside your head today."

"It's nothing. I am just tired." Jeno stood up from the bench.

"I need to go, Renjun might need some help. He is moving out of dorms."

"Wait so what about Donghyuck?" Mark asked making Jeno turn to him with smug look.

"Would you want me to ask Renjun about that?" He asked cheekily.

"Aish no just go away." Mark said shooing him.


Hey lovelie people!!
Sorry for late update :(((
I am just so busy becoz of all the due works from uni
I will be updating soon just bear with my sorry self *sobs silently*

Also let me know your thoughts about the story and do let me know if you want to add any idea or prompt you think would fit the plot. Just message me. I will love to interact with you guys!!!!

I am all for constructive criticism so feel free to comment on any mistakes you find while reading as I am also new here.

Kudos to everyone ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Have an amazing day coz you all are amazing!!!


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