Should I run?

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Will's P.O.V.

I just ran up the stairs into my room. "Why do people forget about me?" I yelled/ asked out loud. "I could give someone a hint that I am going to run away, but not too obvious that they know right away," I said softly, and I started to put all the things I would need in the backpack that I use for camping.

Once I was done I went downstairs.

Third Person View

Will comes into the room with her computer and guitar and, of course, her phone. she brings it with her everywhere in case of an emergency. Like a responsible adult. unlike PJ and Gabe.

"Am I interrupting something? I can go back upstairs, but not in the basement. Too loud." She says, and even one look you can tell she has the mindset of an 18-year-old at just 12.

She always balances out her work schedule, school schedule, family schedule, and her relationship schedule, also, her competition and practice schedule. She is always busy, so she gets good sleep.

"No. Just my study date," Teddy told her. "That just reminded me that I have a date Saturday evening a six with Jake. I'm still confused as to why he told me to not dress up. Well, I just have to find out. Bye!" Will said, she walked back upstairs to her room, and Spencer looked surprised and amazed that she was such a great kid.

Spencer: Wow! She is smart! Also, it sounds like you live right next to that weird PJ guy.

Teddy: Yeah, he's not next door. He's downstairs. And he's my brother.

Spencer (shocked): Oh sorry!

Teddy: Yeah, me too! That girl is also my sister. She is the only 12-year-old we know who is like that. And we know lots of kids!

Scene: In the basement, PJ and his friend, Emmett are playing their instruments.

PJ: Wait, Wait, Wait. Stop, stop. Emmett, you were supposed to open with the downbeat.

Emmett: Dude. I'm percussion. Let me perch.

Will Duncan Good luck Charlie!Where stories live. Discover now