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One word to describe the dorms common room this Saturday morning: Silent.

It was like no one was in it. But one person was, Ochako Uraraka.

She sat in silence, thinking.

Thinking about what? The one and only, Izuku Midoriya.

The green haired boy hasn't been able to leave her mind for over four weeks now. More specifically, a full on month.

She knows exactly why, but she chooses to ignore it. Not only has her feelings grown for him this past month, but they're eager to leave. The words she keeps on her tongue, screaming to be spat out, right in his face.

Ochako groans, leaning deeper into the couch. She wants so badly to let her feelings out. To let him know just how much she cares for him.

If only she could.

She can't, and she knows it. Ochako doesn't want to hold him back. Doesn't want to come head on to the heartbreaking pain of rejection.

But the one inportant question lingers in her head, does he really not feel the same way?

So far, she has been getting his undivided attention. His eyes has been locked onto her for so long know. And how could she forget that night they played house?

"Lets fall in love once again"

The sentence hangs inside her head, making her cheeks sting.

"Uraraka!" A cheerful voice calls out her name. Perfect timing. "Deku" She calls back. He smiles at her, not realizing what it's doing to her heart.

Izuku sits down next to her, his eyes not leaving her. Once again, she has his undivided attention. It's getting harder and harder for Ochako to say that he doesn't like her back.

Trying to distract herself before she gets lost in his emerald eyes, Uraraka looks out the window. Her gaze caught the stars. Suddenly, a memory flashed in her head.

Along with that memory, an idea flashed threw her mind.

They got caught last time, no one's around this time.

Taking a deep breathe, she grabbed Deku's arm. "Come on" She urged as she dragged out the front door.

The cool breeze of the night blows lightly, managing to bliw a few strands of Ochako's hair in its direction. She looked behind her to see a shocked expression on Deku's face.

She giggled a little, Izuku joining in. She walked into the grass and laid down, Deku once again, following after her.

Another question flows threw her head, would he do all this with just about anyone, or just her?

He does seem to have a reserved facial expression for her. He does seem more playful, more open, with her. He seems...different with her. It makes her feel special.

She glances over at him. A calm expression rests on his face as his eyes are locked on the sky. Catching her stare, he faces towards Ochako, with his smile thats reserved, just for her.

She couldn't help it any longer. Her heart raced, and the words she wanted to get out so badly, broke threw the barriers she kept up, and took a run for it out her mouth.

"I love-"


Ignoring Kirishima, Izuku's eyes widen as he connects the dots on what she tried to say before being oh so rudely interrupted.

Izuku POV

Those three words that i've always wanted to hear from her rang in my head. She may not have finished what she was saying, but I think I already know.

She stared at me, wide eyed, red face. As she did, that think turned into a know. I wanted to say something, but the words got caught in my throat. I could feel the colour in my cheeks. My heart was rapidly beating.

Come on, say something!

"Guys! Didn't you hear me?! It's time to come in and head to bed! IT'S CURFEW!" Kirishima shouted once again, but again, we ignored him. He's not apart of this.

(Don't get me wrong, I love Kirishima)

Uraraka looked away from me. Her eyes begin to water.

Say. Something.

I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. I like her, a lot. Like, like like. A crush.

She loves me. Is there really a difference?

A crush, you can feel the feelings, but, in a way, I guess it is different it is different.

Say. It. Back.


Time is running out, and I still can't get the words out of my mouth. I think back to the times i've spent with her. We're back where we started. Gazing at the stars, Kirishima dragging us inside. I know what's inside and I don't wanna go.

It's not what I want, alone time with her.

She said she loves me, well...

"Guys! Could you not hear me over there?!" Kirishima asks us. I look him directly in the eyes. "Go back inside." I tell him. He looks at me, raising his right brow. "Ok..." He says, backing up and running back inside.

My attention went back to Ochako, who was standing up, ready to follow Kirishima back inside. Just before she started running, I grabbed her arm, preventing her from going anywhere.

I know for sure know, that I...

"I love you too."

She turns around, a shocked expression on her face, the tears in her eyes falling down her cheeks.

She smiled at me. "Deku..."

--(✨time skip✨)

"I realize now, that I won't get over you anytime soon. This isn't just a crush, this is forever. Ochako Uraraka, everything I do for you, isn't something I would do for just anyone. I won't feel like this for just anyone. This past week, i've been falling harder and harder for you, and i've been realizing, I dontm't want to spend just some time with you, I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

Tears fell down Ochako's face, not sad ones, happy tears.

Izuku takes both of the girls hands, and bends down on one knee.

"Ochako Uraraka, none of these things I would do for anyone else. I would never feel these feelings for anyone else. Ochako Uraraka, all of this, is just for you."

"So, will you make me the happiest man in the world, and marry me?"

---The end---

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