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3rd POV

With hero class being over, Izuku, Ochaco, and Tenya, go through their routine of walking together. Except Iida's not going with them, he has other stuff he needs to do that has something to do with his role as class representative. So, Ochaco and Izuku were walking alone together back to the dorms.

It would've been fine, if the awkward atmosphere between them didn't make the walk longer than it actually was. The silence consumed them, eating them up inside. They wanted to kick themselves in the head for not being able to say anything. "So..." Izuku started. Ochaco nodded her head as if it was a question.

Then it was silent again.

Ochako sighed. "So, what do you want talk about?" She kindly asked, grinning at Deku. Deku smiled back. "How about what you were doing last night out in the cold?" Deku raised a brow. Ochako stared at the ground for a minute before changing her gaze to the cloudy sky above her.

A cold breeze passed by the two, making Izuku, who forgot a coat, shiver. Meanwhile, Ochaco, who remembered a coat, wasn't affected by it. Ochaco chuckled. "It's a little silly..." She started, but trailed off. Izuku glanced at her, curiosity filling his eyes. "You can tell me, I won't judge." He said.

Ochaco sighed, her breath being visible in the cold air. Of course he won't judge, that's just Deku. Even the most embarressing, he'll probably find a way to make it a little less embarrassing.

"Sometimes, when it's dark out and you can see the stars good, I go outside and spend some time in the fresh air, looking at the stars above." Ochaco's eyes sparkled as she spoke. It's like her face lit up as she started talking, it was a sight Izuku would never forget seeing. He couldn't help but stare.

Ochaco caught Izuku's gaze. Uraraka's eyes darted to the ground as she started to laugh nervously. "I-I warned you-" Her cheeks slowly turned red with embarrassment. She conitnued to talk in such speed deku couldn't comprehend what she was saying. He had to do something, she thinks he thinks that she's weird because of something she likes. She thinks he hates her.

That's not it. That's not it at all.

Izuku stopped walking, grabbing Ochaco's arm so she would stop too. He looked up at the sky that has cleared up a bit. It's still majorly cloudy outside, but you can still see a little bit of the blue sky. He drags Uraraka to the grass and sits down. Deku patted the spot next to him for her to sit too.

She stares at him as she sits next to him. His gaze is stuck in the sky, though he does take occasional glances towards Ochaco. She almost looked worried, scared. He wasn't sure why, maybe because of the stars thing? If she still thinks he thinks she's weird, he was going to make sure he changes that thought.

He will make sure that thought is banished from her head for good. Deku looks to the sky again after staring at Uraraka for 3 minutes straight. "I know you like the stars, but sometimes people don't see the morning either. And...well, as much as I like to see the stars and the moon, I like too see the sunset. and I want to watch the sunset, but, with you..."

"You know, the night sky is pretty. I love the stars too. They're so pretty, and sometimes fill me with hope and determination." A small smile makes its way to Deku's face. Ochaco glanced at Izuku. She's never seen him that calm before. Usually his face is always determined, focused, and yeah, he smiles sometimes, it isn't just those two. He can look calm, but never like this.

"Have you ever seen the sun?"

Something is different about this calm, and she's not sure what, or even why. His eyes met hers. she swears she hasn't seen him look like this before. Fuzzies fill up in her stomach as her heart goes into overdrive. His eyes look so calm, they're almost twinkling and it reminds her that Aoyama exists.

Speaking of Aoyama,

"Do you like him?"

Ochaco turns her head away from Izuku as fast as possible. She's sure she has whiplash now. No, she doesn't like him, or love him. And that's another thing she knows for sure apart from knowing she has whiplash and that Aoyama exists. "Do you-"


She groans and curls herself in a ball, catching Izuku's attention. He raises a brow. "I-if you don't want to sit here, we can continue walking to the building. It's ok to say if you don't want to stay here." Izuku said. Ochaco's head shoots up. "N-n-no! It's ok. I want to stay!" She quickly almost yelled. Her cheeks were flushed as she avoided eye contact with Deku.

These actions confused Deku. "A-are you ok?" He asked, putting a hand on Ochaco's shoulder. She flinched at the touch. It was as soft as a feather and made her feel safe and warm. In the back of her mind, she hoped he never let goes.

Uraraka quickly shook her head. "Y-yeah..." She took a breathe, trying to calm herself down. "Lets watch the clouds. I want to see the day sky too." She smiled and looked back at the sky. She focuses on her breathing and trying her best to not trail her eyes towards Izuku. She does her best to clear her head.

From upcoming due homework, to her confusing thoughts and feelings for Deku. She clears it all, and for a moment, she prentends villains don't exist, that the world is a fair peaceful place, that her parents are good on money and her life isn't going to be constantly on the line currently and in the future.

She pretends that the world is hers, her family's, her friends, and Deku's.

The rest of the night is perfect and peaceful.


By the time they made it back to the dorms, it was already dark outside. "Wow, I can't believe we were out here for that long." Ochaco laughed. Izuku chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah, I didn't plan for us to stay there for that long." he nervously replied. Staring at the sky wasn't the only thing they did, or they would've been inside earlier.

They made conversation with each other, finding out things about each other from favourite food to hated colours. They pointed out what the clouds shapes looked like. From bubble gum to rock paper scissors, they had a good time.

They stopped at the front door of the dorms, not quite ready to go inside yet. Deku turned around and gave the scenery around them a good look before sitting on the top step. Ochaco followed after him. They sat in silence, and for once, it wasn't awkward, it was rather comfortable silence.

They stared at the night sky.

"Hey Deku, I know what you mean when you say the stars fill you with hope and determination." Ochaco smiled. "They do that to me too. They tell me to not give up. One day, I'm going to be up there with them." Uraraka said. Izuku turned his head towards her. He didn't know what she meant when she said she'd be up there with those stars, maybe something to do with her quirk?

"Hey guys, it's curfew." Kirishima poked his head out the door. One glance and he realized he interrupted something. "Oh, sorry. Did I interrupt something? I'll go back in and let you guys finish with whatever's going on." Kirishima awkwardly smiled and went back in, making sure to shut the door behind him.

Uraraka got up, Izuku following. They both went inside, not forgetting the conversation. They stopped when they were about to part ways up the steps. They looked at each other deeply in the eyes, like if they were trying to stare into each others souls. Deku smiled warmly. That calm look that made Ochaco's heart do flips.

It almost felt like a reserved look just for her.

"Goodnight, Uraraka." He turned and started up the steps. His voice was soft, a melody to her ears. "Goodnight, Deku." She walked up the steps. She didn't notice she was blushing until she was alone and felt her cheeks burning.

She made it to her room, but instead of getting into bed, she went straight out onto her balcony. Ochaco calmly looked up at the stars.

"Have you ever seen the sun?"

His words rang in her head. She went back to the peacefulness she felt out there with him, but it was different. She noticed that without him, everything was the same once again, except the world. She felt safe with herself and the stars. Once again, the world was hers. But this time, it was no one elses but hers and Deku's.

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