A long time ago (or maybe not because I'm only 16 and this happened last month) before I was really friends with Marisa I was in my car driving to school. "Good morning, Miami. This is M. Mally and I have a cool playlist lined up for you," I heard a girl's voice say. Obviously scripted. But the music was good. Usually. Ish. Sometimes. Maybe.
Later at school I was sitting in my class and who but miss Marisa walks in late? She always does. People have theories about it. Both good and bad.
At lunch, as usual, I meet up with Sara and we usually eat lunch from home. We talk about different topics. We read. We eat. One day her mom was out of town so she had to buy lunch. Marisa, who usually eats alone, started walking towards me. "Please don't come I'm terrible at talking to people and she's turning and now she is sitting next to me." A bunch of stuff started going through my mind. She sat.
"Abby, right?" She says. "I was wondering if you'd like to do something on Saturday." She was nicer than one could expect. "Like watch a Disney movie marathon?"
I perked up. "You like Disney, too?!" I ask.
"Disney is literally my life!" She smiled widely.
We talked the rest of lunch. We continued after school. She walked home with me. We talked on the phone. She was quiet when she spoke so her parents wouldn't hear her.
I couldn't believe it.
I had a new friend.