Drown-Authors Note*This is just alot of bs going on in my life

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Well I haven't updated any of my stories these last couple of days possibly about a week...... I'm sorry I've had a lot going on.

My so called "friends", about 2 of them but the other 6 are basically "followers" , stopped being my friends over a stupid argument the only true friend, who BTW is my best friend/wifey lol, Beca/Charlie is still their for me.

"Charlie" if your reading this I love you and I'm always here for you okay....? ILOVEYOU!!!!! Oh yeah cold spaghetti :p lol~Cynthia

Well I'm gonna put some people on blast...#Drama #Alert lol

Anyways this all started like the weekend before valentines day I was going to go meet up with my friend will at the library and I ran into my friends (ex friends now) and only one said hi, the girl who said hi name is Kayla. So when I got to the libary i inboxed Beca about on fb while I was waiting for my friend Will. So later on that day Beca talked to Kayla about it but didn't say any names, well then Kayla blew it outta proportion,Kayla and Beca got some "Beef"/shit in between them and tbh we all sit together at lunch so when Monday came there was a lot of tension and bad vibes. I walked to school,I still do cuz I need time to think before I enter my definition of hell. So I was in the front of the school arguing with the guidance counselor cuz I had brought a REALLY big bottle of bubbles(its bigger than a $3 can of monster!!! And the bubbles only cost me $1.25,I'm childish in,but idc) and then was escorted to the office cuz I had left my bookbag aka my gym bag at school cuz I was pissed off that day and left school on Friday (2-6-15).

So my friend Beca was walking to class cuz the bell had rung and she overheard Kayla tell my ex boyfriend(That Pothead looking emo, no offense tho, hes a ass) "Its okay cause I dont like them anyways....." So when I got to my first period class we had like 5mins left til school offically started (My School  doors opens at 7:00, and if you get their before 7:30 you have to wait in the cafeteria or auditorium til 7:30 its basically homeroom, school starts at 7:35)

And she told me which just pissed me off.....*brief summary now2/9~2/13*

rest of the week was filled with tension and I'm surprised that no fights went down in between any of us.

2~15 my bubby, who shall remain anonymous, tried to commit suicide but she wouldn't tell me why, I was FREAKING THE FUCK OUT!!!! I almost busted my dads car window out cuz i was riding shotgun and nearly skated all the way to Horntown,Virginia which was about 1 hour 30 mins away from where we were at, she texted me and said that she wanted to kill herself but I stopped her, I blew her phone up.... Not literally tho I just kept texting and calling til she answered.

2/16~2-20ish it snowed basically all week, nah jk, it snowed Monday and again on wensday night. Tbh it was cold as a bitch!!!!!!!! I live In Maryland in the US, Hbu??

On tuesday the 17 we,me and Beca, went to my friend Chase's house(BTW hes not a drug dealer,but he is a skater, oh yeah and he doesn't date a girl name Sammi) to go build a snowman with Robert, his best friend, Me and Beca began by building a Snow Dick(Lmfao) behind the shed,we were at Chase's Btw. And instead we turned it into a crappy snowman ⛄ lol and named him "Olaf". And we stayed at chases for awhile,Chase's dog kept trying to eat my face off like 5times and I was like "Haha,Guys I be getting bitches" No offense to my Baby Ava that's the dogs name. And a little before we left my cousin,Alberto who is an ASSHOLE!!!, pissed on Beca and I's snow man.

21/22 Ive been very depressed and I sometimes wished I never lost my ExBoyfriend (My Teddy Bear, not the Emo looking one) I dated him before I dated the pothead Emo looking one, idk why I went out with the Emo dude I just did,I was Hung up on my teddy bear and a wreck for days, but I pretended everything was okay. I pretend everything is okay even tho I sometimes cry myself to sleep on some nights cuz I'm so tired of everything. I'm happy I have skating in my life cuz that's my outlet. Even tho I kinda suck at skateboarding, I used to be good at it when I was like 10. But I quit cuz my mom said she wasn't wasn't going to be spending $130-250 on a new skateboard, but when I was 12 I got a Goodwood skateboard with Rasta thunder trucks, besides the design its a nice board for $120 and I still got it even tho my friend Matt is redoing my design and board. And my teddy bear,(Even tho me and My teddy bear aren't together anymore we still talk but I wish I could get another chance, we broke up cuz my parents were buttholes and didn't really like him -___- but I was in love with him, fuck I still am I can't loose my feelings for him even, I think he still likes me too, he said when we broke up that even tho we aren't able to be together"now" that he loves me and that he's sorry what had happened, tbh we were a together for 6 months and those were the best 6Months of my life, fuck the haters soo many people were hating on our relationship cuz we had it good, we were cute together ,ahh!!! I still got the pictures of when we were together is that bad?) I was/have been depressed since October of 2014 cuz we broke up and I was just so attached I actually became really good at hiding my depression and faking smiles, except for the days where I can't take it anymore and actually show my feelings...

Anyways 2/22 This guy,Shane, crushed my dream of getting a skateboarding sponsor, he was just jealous cause I'm doing something with my life and he's just hating all he does is smoke pot, gets drunk and has sex and he's only 14!!!! Like wtf,   anyways so he called me a bitch and ignorant cause I put him in his place, cause tbh I would've fucked him up, I was so close to going to his house just to set him "Straight" I'm short but just saying that don't mean shit I got in a fight with a 40year old lady twice my size at a concert once and I won, so looks can be deceiving.... Lol I'm the nicest person you could meet but I could become the the biggest "asshole" if you do something to piss me off..... Anyways I'll post a 2 new chapters on Wednesday...,

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