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"Yah! Choi Chanhee!!"

Sunwoo shouted to the top of his lungs with tears brimming in his eyes which blurring his vision while staring right at the blonde boy in front of him who is now holding a man, a dead man.

Chanhee changes his gaze towards him, licking off the blood that's on his lips and send him a deadly glare. Throwing the dead man away from him, he slowly approaches him.

"Snap out of it!! This is not the Chanhee I know!! You are better than this!!"

He shouted again trying to knock him out from this monstrous behaviour. He seems like he won't listen but Sunwoo ain't giving up.

He will risk his life for him if he isn't going back to normal like the way he used to know. Tears flowing down from his eyes, clenching his fists while gritting his teeth.

Few flashbacks of Chanhee's beautiful smiles appeared in his mind making him to feel the pain in his heart. Everyone calls him a monster but he's not like that in Sunwoo's eyes.

He's very special, precious and important to him even though how many times he killed those innocent people and drank their blood, he still love him.

He's the only one who can save him from this outrage.

Chanhee was already standing in front of Sunwoo, locking his red eyes at him with his fangs poking out from the side of his lips.

"Chanhee... You know this isn't you. Fight against those inner demons inside you. I know you can do it"he said in between his sob, not even trying to run away from him.

He brings up his hand to cup his cheek, crying while putting on a smile and he can feel him flinch from the sudden skin contact. His red eyes slowly fading away, gazing at his beloved boyfriend as tears pooling in his eyes.

He knew that he's going back to normal at any soon but it instantly turns fully red again when he saw someone in a far distant behind Sunwoo with a gun in hand ready to shoot.

Chanhee widen his eyes and is fast enough to wrap his arm around Sunwoo, protecting him right before the guy could actually pull the trigger.


Chanhee's body beginning to become weak as it limps down heavily into Sunwoo's arms. He can feel something thick and liquid-like falling to his hands at Chanhee's back as he went to check what it is, it was blood.

The guy shot him right at his heart and now he's coming closer to them, wanting to shoot the vampire to death but Sunwoo doesn't bother to care. All he cares about is his boyfriend!

His tears uncontrollably rolled out from his eyes as he shook Chanhee's body while shouting his name multiple times yet he didn't answer him.

Sunwoo doesn't want to believe that he's going to die.

It's aches his heart so bad to see his boyfriend looking so lifeless. He cried and cried some more until the guy was standing in front of him.

He loads his gun and ready to shoot but someone shot him first on the head as he laid dead on the ground making a thud sound.

"Chanhee... No don't die yet p-please..."he sobbed out and cup his cold cheeks.

Chanhee's eyes weren't moving as the crimson hues in his eyes slowly fade away.

There was no light in it like he used to see it whenever he's around as if the stars have disappeared in the darkness.

"Sunwoo! Chanhee!"Youngjo shouted as he ran towards them while the others followed him from behind.

[C] Dead or Love | sunnewWhere stories live. Discover now