Gone Too Soon

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"Ugh, I honest to god hate for what Heckyl has done to Kendall, I mean Kendall is far nicer to be betrayed like this" Tyler thought to himself.

As he watched Kendall work on something that would keep the Dino Rangers one step ahead of Heckyl and his evil minions; from his corner in the Dino Charge Base.

"I love Kendall with all my heart and I hate the way Heckyl manipulated Kendall like the way he did gaining her trust and then betraying it without batting an eye". Heckyl saw nothing wrong with it, but Tyler did and he was going to settle the score with Heckyl once and for all.

"Hopefully I haven't bitten off more than I can chew" Tyler said as he slapped his clenched fist on the table the sound echoing throughout the base; and with that he left the base in a hurry. But what Tyler didn't count on was his secret crush watching him out the corner of her eye.

"Where is he going?" Kendall thought to herself she was about to do something. When Shelby, Riley, Chase, Koda, Ivan, and Prince Philip came into the base talking about something or other; because Kendall quite frankly didn't care at that moment.

All she cared about was Tyler and she was going to get down to the bottom of it and that was that. "Ms. Morgan Kendall is everything alright?" Shelby asked shaking Kendall's shoulder gently in an attempt to get her out of her funk and back to the land of the living.

"Umm yeah everything's fine Shelby, it really is" Kendall said walking away to preoccupy herself with something other than thoughts of Tyler. The others looked at each other confused as Kendall walked away but shortly thereafter shrugged their shoulders; thinking that she was just having a bad day most likely because of Heckyl.

Shelby Watkins may have been confused like the guys were about the sudden change in Kendall's behavior; but she wasn't going to let that stop her from finding out what was wrong with Kendall.

Shelby followed closely behind Kendall following her everywhere she went; Kendall could sense Shelby following her and she'd just wish she'd leave her alone, she just wanted to think about what had gotten into Tyler all of a sudden and she wanted to do it alone.

Just as Kendall rounded another corner in the Amber Beach Museum on her way back to her office; she felt Shelby's firm hand on her shoulder forcing her to turn around and look Shelby dead in the eye. "I am going to ask again what's wrong Kendall?" Shelby asked her friend.

Hesitant to answer Shelby's question about what was really troubling her Kendall choose the latter to remain quiet; the offer was tempting but Kendall just couldn't bring herself to do it.

Kendall's silence spoke volumes "Ms. Morgan is everything alright?" Shelby asked once again gentler this time, but with a very concerned look all over her face especially in her eyes. Shelby vaguely wondered if this had anything to do with Tyler not being around; she had no idea of knowing how right she was.

Feeling her will power crumble around her and her mouth on autopilot Kendall replied it's about Tyler looking away at Shelby in absolute shame and a bit of embarrassment. As she looked away Shelby noticed a slight blush forming on her cheeks. She has a crush on Tyler and is embarrassed to admit it; that's just plain cute was what Shelby thought.

But Shelby wondered for a moment did Tyler feel the same way about Kendall, but the truth of the matter is Tyler did feel the same way about Kendall. Or the pair were just either too afraid of rejection of one another's feelings or just simply embarrassed.

So I was right it was about Tyler that's what's bothering Kendall, Shelby also couldn't help shake a pang of sadness that seemed to suddenly overcome her. She had feelings for Tyler as well although her hopes were crushed at least she could be happy for her friend.

Tyler Navarro and Kendall Morgan: One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now