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"I hope I am not too late" Kendall said as she panted the purple Dino charge ran through the streets of Amber Beach. She was working on a new Dino charger leaving the other rangers to battle one of Heckyl's minions, Fury and Heckyl himself.

Just as she got to the battlefield Kendall got the fright of her life; she saw Chase, Riley, Shelby, Koda, Ivan and Prince Phillip struggling to get up and fight Heckyl and his outlaw. Looking around some more Kendall saw Tyler demorphed and pinned down by Fury; who was about to deliver the final blow with his sword.

Getting back to reality Kendall thought to herself not if I can help it; as she aimed her Dino morpher at Fury and yelled "Dino morpher blast!" Kendall watched in satisfaction as Fury was knocked off Tyler and landed a good distance away landing on the ground hard.

Looking over his shoulder Tyler saw the last person he wanted to see; and that was his secret crush Kendall Morgan, Tyler had little time to react because Fury was back on his feet and mad as hell; that he began walk past Tyler and start charging at the purple ranger.

"KENDALL LOOK Out!" Tyler yelled with all his might; he didn't want anything to happen to her Tyler just couldn't live with himself if anything happened to her. He had to do something while Fury continued to charge at the purple ranger; Tyler struggled to get himself up in an effort to protect "HIS!" Kendall.

"Yeah that's right come at me you overgrown lion. I'll teach you a lesson about hurting my "secret crush when I am around" Kendall said angrily to herself.

She had her Dino morpher ready to fire at Fury; she could fight on her own Kendall had proven to the other rangers time and time again. But what happen in the next few moments; would cause Kendall to fight on a whole new level.

As Kendall and Fury fought to the other rangers it looked like Kendall was winning; but Tyler knew it was just for show it was only matter of time before Fury got the upper hand. Suddenly to Tyler's horror Fury had his hand around Kendall's neck choking her.

Kendall was gasping for breath she somehow kicked Fury off. Catching her breath Kendall readied her Dino morpher to fire another if Fury decided to come after her. But when Fury got back on his feet ready to attack the purple ranger again; charging at her with his sword. Kendall watched as Fury came closer and closer with his sword raised above his head ready to strike her.

Kendall closed her eyes as tightly as she could; but after a few minutes Kendall didn't feel anything opening her eyes and to her horror down at her feet was the unconscious form of Tyler Navarro. "TYLER!" Kendall screamed quickly assessing his wounds; they weren't too bad but one wound in particular caused Kendall to pause and raise some alarm it was a large cut across his back.

Looking at the wound more closely Kendall noticed that the wound on Tyler's back wasn't too deep; that he didn't need to be hospitalised much to her relief. Even though he was unconscious and unable to move Tyler groaned softly; it gave Kendall some relief that Tyler was still alive.

While Kendall was watching over Tyler guarding his body; the other rangers felt rejuvenated and re entered the fight defeating Heckyl's monster and making Fury retreat all the while vowing that this wasn't the end.

That he would be back to finish them off once and for all, if Heckyl's monster and Fury thought that for one minute that they could hurt their leader and get away with it.

They were sorely mistaken and the monster and Fury never saw it coming the fury of the Dino team; there was a lot of kicks and punches exchanged and the outcome was that the Dino charge team was victorious. With help of the other rangers Kendall managed to get Tyler's unconscious body back to base and to tend to his wounds.

Later on that night Tyler awoke as he tried to remember where he was; but then it all came back to him Tyler protecting Kendall from Fury's sword but did he succeed. Tyler winced as he tried to use his hand to brush his hair out of his eyes.

As he tried to sit up Tyler came to the conclusion that something was pinning him down; but when he managed to sit up Tyler got the surprise of his life.

There lying on his chest fast asleep was Kendall Morgan with her glasses askew; Tyler took the risk and brushed some blonde strands of hair from Kendall's face, it took only a matter of minutes for Kendall to be aroused rubbing her eyes and pushing her glasses back on to the bridge of her nose.

Kendall didn't know what woke her up but she came face to face with a pair of warm brown eyes. "Tyler" Kendall stammered now fully awake; blushing like mad Kendall tried to get away. But Tyler firmly grabbed her arm in an effort not to hurt her.

"It's obvious you don't want to leave" Tyler whispered. "But I don't want to hurt you!" Kendall quickly countered. "It sure didn't look like you were hurting me by the way you were sleeping" Tyler countered back.

After those words left Tyler's mouth Kendall was blushing profusely; Tyler saw this and chuckled well if it makes you feel any better Kendall Tyler started to say "I like you." Realising what Tyler just said Kendall nearly shouted "WHAT!"

Regaining control of her voice Kendall looked at Tyler and said "You don't really mean that"; Kendall thought he must have gotten a very bad bump on the head for him to say something like that. "I meant what I said Kendall I wasn't making it up.

I've loved you since the very first day I saw you. You're the girl I want to be with I would do anything to protect you" Tyler made sure to emphasise the last sentence all the while gesturing to the state he was in.

Kendall still didn't know what to say she couldn't get any words to form and come out of her mouth; she couldn't describe the feelings she was feeling Tyler was admitting his love for her and she herself had a crush on him for the longest time since they first met.

Then with whatever strength he had left Tyler leaned up and kissed Kendall softly on the lips; Kendall meanwhile relished every second of the kiss, after the pair broke from some much needed air and Tyler leaned back down on the cot; trying to ignore the pain in his back that now flared.

Kendall then mustered up her courage to confess her love to the man she had a crush on; "Tyler" Kendall started to say then continued taking a deep breath said "I myself have had a crush on you since the first day I met you. I just thought that you wouldn't feel the same way.

I love you Tyler Navarro always have and always will." "Well I guess you thought wrong" Tyler chuckled looking at Kendall who now laughed along with him and said "Yeah I guess I did." Kendall then leaned down and kissed Tyler on the lips; she could feel Tyler's tongue run across the seam of her lips begging for a entrance.

Which Kendall gladly provided causing her to moan softly into Tyler's that the pair finally confessed their feelings for each other; nothing could stand in their way. Now Kendall had a new goal to get Tyler better so he could get back onto the battlefield; so they could battle Heckyl's monsters or outlaws or whatever the heck they want to call themselves side by side.

Tyler Navarro and Kendall Morgan: One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now