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I was brushing my teeth when my mom yelled "BUS! " I Dropped my toothbrush and ran outside. When I got on the bus Clair was waiting for me in our seat. Clair is a good person, but she can be a bitch. She has pink. And brown hair, and she has a boyfriend thats in a band. His name is Saw.I know I know, Saw? Right thats what I thought. Me and clair have sit in that same seat together sense the 2nd grade. We are in 11th grade now. I'm 16 and Clair is 17."Hey nerd, whats up?" She is a sarcastic bitch sometimes. "Nothin. So are we still on for tonight?" "Yea. Is your mom cool with it?". No. "Yeah, she said she would love me to get out of the house .Clair laughs. "I wouldn't blame her. You never leave the house.But I'm surprised she is letting you go since shes so overpertective of you. "

We get to the school and since Clairs mom had a huge argument on how are lockers should be next to eachother , they are next to eachother. What a surprise. Clair and her mom are just alike but her mom has to have it her way, Always.The bell rings. "So see you at lunch? "."You know it babe.". We walk separate ways to first hour. I have math first. I walk in and sit down. I over hear Brittany being a bitch and talking about my clothes. "Oh my god, she is such a freak. Side she know its not halloween?" She tries so hard to wisper. I can't help but laugh. "Whats so funny ? Mine-e". I don't know were she got that name out of Jasmine but it was pretty funny. "Remember? Your a joke." I can't stop laughing at my cleaver word play. "Wow . You just want stop Jasmine you just can't get enough of me. Am I right? ". "Not exsactly what was in mind but you would think that wouldn't you Brittany? " The teacher walks in. "Everyone take your seats." Mr.Bran is a nice teacher, when everyone is good. I can't help but daydream about random things. "Jasmine? ". I jump in surprise. "Yes? ". "The answer? ". "Oh" I didn't want to act like I want paying attention so I say "14" and just in luck I was right! The bell rings hours go by and I do fine, but then there was lunch. Clair my best friend in the world, my only friend in the world (besides my dog) betrayed me! She was hanging out with brittany! Brittany Smith! Wow. I'm speechless. I hate myself! Why do I feel so hurt and empty? It was her that betrayed me she should feel like this!

She's looking. I run out of the cafiteria. We don't talk for the rest of the day. I ask to call my mom so I dont have to ride the bus. It was supposed to be the best day ever but she ruins everything! Its supposed to feel like a friday not a monday! My mom picks me up.

"Why did you sound so mad on the phone?"

I did NOT want to tell her I was not in the mood. She makes nothing into a huge something. But in this case it already is a huge something so I wouldn't mind. I needed to talk to someone. "Clair dumped me mom!!! " I try to sound as dramatic as possible. "Awe too bad for you maybe you should just go to sleep grumpy pants. " Of course she says that! She never gets me and never will. "Mom! You don't get it. " When we get into the drive way I run inside as fast as I can hoping the bus hasn't got here yet. Because Clair lives across the street two houses down.

I go in my room and just cry myself to sleep.

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