[☕️/🌸] Cartman x Female!Reader

119 1 3

Background music: Hurts Like Hell
AU: Red String Soulmate
Ages: 16-17
I hate how this turned out, it's really cringy :')
꧁🍂August 24 (Flashback)🍂꧂
The teacher calms the chatty 6th graders attending her class for another lesson, I lay my head down onto the desk, preparing myself for another boring lecture. "It's time to learn about your soul mates and the red strings that determine it!" The classes chattering suddenly fades away as my head perks up at the mention of the word soulmate, filling me with excitement and joy. The teacher makes her way up to the front of the classroom while tidying her desk for the important lesson.

"A soulmate is someone you can connect to on an emotional and physical level. A soulmate can be a female or male, no matter what gender you identify as. Not everyone has soulmates, though it is extremely uncommon. The-" A sudden interruption stopped her from continuing, "how do you know who your soulmate is??" She collects her thoughts as she continues the sentence in question, "I was getting there. Anyways, the way to tell is the red string that appears on your wrist. Some may not have any, but do not fright, you may get your string later in life, don't lose hope! Now you all try to spawn the string to see if your soulmate has already met you!"

Kids from left to right were struggling with the spawning, and some already trigger theirs. My hands tightened as I excitedly attempt to generate my own. The strength builds up as my hands starts trembling from the effort placed. Please. Please. Please. The teacher approaches my desk with a worried look. "Still, nothing." The sadness could be heard from my bitter comment.

"It's fine! You'll find your soulmate soon enough!" She sends me a warm, assuring smile, my body begins to loosen from with warmth of that very same smile, calming my body and nerves. The relief and happiness replacing my sad and bitter emotions before I knew it.

꧁🪴Pʀᴇsᴇɴᴛ Tɪᴍᴇ🪴꧂
I sigh as I run to the bus stop, phone in hand, toast in mouth, and a tired expression. Once I reach the destination I was greeted by a yelling chunks of expired beef. "OI! Y/N! Can you tell our sweet little kahl that I'm right and he's wrong??" Suddenly, Kyle entered the conversation as the plot THICKENED. "DON'T BRING HER IN THIS, FATASS!" The squabbling increases just like my curiosity.

I turn to Kenny for answers, but soon after realizing the same blondie was too busy reading a playboy magazine to notice his surroundings, while as Stan scrolled through his phone, too preoccupied with Wendy's texts to give a shit. The sudden tension could be felt between both males, alerting not only me but Stan and Kenny. They seemed to have stopped arguing, but in replacement, a bitter and negative energy grew. My mouth opened to speak but was interrupted by the bus arriving to our stop, I rushed into the vehicle as the others followed. I waited for Kyle so we could sit together like usually, but instead it was met by Kenny taking his place. "He's not going to sit with you, he's kinda pissed off right now." The muffled words of the blondie, made me snap back to reality, this isn't a simple fight, it's so much more.

Once we arrived I immediately sprinted to a familiar raven haired male, Craig the Fucking Tucker. The male held his twitchy boyfriends hand, calming down his nerves, as their red string glowed, connecting both males in question. "CRAIG! You've been getting closer to Kyle, right?" The gay sighs, while as the annoyance shown on his face grew, "What is it now, I'm kind of busy." The monochromatic male replied. "He suddenly seems sad and off after arguing with Cartman, is there anything that he could have said that upset Kyle that much?" Craig hesitates while as Tweek twitches begin to increase, "You know I can't really give out that informat-" "I'll give you 50 bucks." Another sigh could be heard from the same ravened male, "Deal."

"Meet me at lunch."

I carelessly shove my belongings into my bag, as my curiosity grew at the thought of new juicy information about Kyle taunted me all morning. I rush out of the classroom to meet that mono-chromatic bastard, holding the details that I ever so desired.

My pace quickened while my eyes spot Craig, and his coffee lover boyfriend, Tweek, suspiciously hiding in corner. I approached the gays for the explanation to the questions I've been needing to be answered. "Ok, so you know how Kyle secretly has a small crush on Stan? Well, Stan recently discovered his soulmate. That's why he broke up with Wendy last week. Recently, Kyle has been off because of it, maybe Cartman teased him about the incident and it resulted in Kyle's depressed state."

My feet began to act on their own, with this new found information, I ran outside to the crowded courtyard, containing the boys' table. I dashed into the ginger-haired male, hugging his worries away. "Kyle, you could have told me. I would have tried to makes things better for you." He immediately slips from my grasp as he mumbles something underneath his breath, "Kyle, I didn't quite here you."

"I said that if butters would have moved, I wouldn't be in this mess." Kyle clenches his fists as his frustration grew, just like my confusion. "What does Butters have to do with anything?" Cartman quickly slid into the conversation, "Butters is Stans soulmate, I told Kyle from the start that he wouldn't be able to be with Stan in the first place. I mean come on, Stans already has girls and boys lined up that are so much better than a stupid ginger could ever be." I glanced back expecting Kyle pissed off, instead I found myself facing a speechless one, I could tell he was hurting, and I couldn't stand it any longer.

I slam my hand on the table as the anger that grew from this whole situation was finally seeing daylight. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU, ERIC! YOU'RE SO SELFISH AND DISGUSTING! ALL KYLE WANTS RIGHT NOW IS COMFORT, AND YOU'RE SITTING HERE MAKING THINGS WORSE, THATS ALL YOU KNOW HOW TO DO! NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP, NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR YOUR STUPID FUCKING VOICE, YOU FAT PIECE OF SHIT!" I suddenly snap back to reality as I saw Cartman, he actually seemed hurt from my harsh words. I felt instant regret, I want to apologize, but I can't, I have to stick with my word. I hugged Kyle, trying to make the situation better for him while I watch the brown haired male rise from his seat and slowly walk away.

I excused myself after 20 minutes past, while leaving Kyle in Kenny's hands. I get up from my preoccupied seat, and in the corner of my eye, a string appeared onto both males. As excited as I was, I remembered the sad, bitter, brown haired boy, my body suddenly rushes to the only spot that he would be found. Under the stairwell. The place we used to hang out when we were closer, but one day, we just drifted away. As I expected, I saw the fat tub of lard seated in the very same spot, tears falling down from his already puffy eyes. How long has he have been crying?... "Hey puppy.." His head suddenly perks up at the sound of my voice. His excitement quickly turned into bitterness, "Don't call me that, Y/N.." his eyes seems to be looking everywhere except me. "I remembered when I called you puppy and you'd called me Doofus.." I said while taking a seat next to the sad male turning away from my direction, "Look, I didn't mean anything I said, I was just mad that you were harassing Kyle, I.. I'm sorry, puppy.." I feel a sudden warmth surrounding my presence, I feel Cartman rapping his arms around my waist. "I'm sorry, Doofus.." I giggle at his response, "you're such a dork.." He began to protest but was cut off by a sudden energy within our wrists. A red string appeared. The red string. I glanced back at Eric, the same thoughts ran through his head. "We are soulmates.."
Word count: 1431
Authors note: I know I know, I suck at making new updates- I'm just really lazy but now I'm going to try to update this book more :')
Also leave requests in the comments but please no teacher x student shit it makes me extremely uncomfortable ¯\_()_/¯

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2021 ⏰

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꧁𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕝𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤꧂ (South Park x reader oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now