Chapter one: The First Day

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*Jades P.O.V.*

I awake to the sound of my alarm blaring Colbie Callietes new song Live it up.

A thousand people stood in line to hear a couple words of mine

afraid I would miss a beat and everyone is watching me

"Ugghhh" I graoned as I dragged myself out of my queen sized bed that made it feel as if you were sleeping on a cloud. Today was my first day as a senior, at a brand new school, in a brand new town, and in a brand new country! My parents had just been relocated from LA all the way across the world to Doncaster,England.

I picked up my Hunger Games Mockingjay blanket off the floor, and made my amazingly comfortable bed. I walked across the room to my full length mirror to try and tame my long chocolate brown curls, after unsuccesfully trying to maintain my hair I just decided to throw it up in a high pony tail

I usually  don't wear make-up to school but I thought since it's the first day of school I decided to just do some winged eyeliner and some mascara. After my hair and make-up were finished I walked over to my closet to pick out some clothes, I decided to wear a pair of white skinny jeans, and a black crop top with a superman logo on it.

After finally deciding that I looked presentable, I glanced at the clock on my dresser it read 7:30. "Shit! I'm gonna be later for school!". I slipped on my white converse and headed downstairs. "Bye Mom!" I yelled. "Bye sweetie have a good day!" she hollared back " No promises" I muttered " What was that?" she asked clearly annoyed, "Nothing!" I replied. I swear that woman has super hearing or something.

The walk to school was quite boring, until a group of high school boys drove by in their big black convertable, hooting and whistling cat calls at me, I just rolled my eyes and kept walking.

**At School**

 As I walked up the steps to Doncaster High I noticed a familiar convertible out of the corner of my eye. "Crap not those boobs again" I muttered, just as one of them ran up next to me. "Hey babe" said a boy with peircing blue eyes and caramel hair. "Don't call me babe" I snapped "Ooh a girl with an accent and an attitude.. I like it.. Babe"  he replied cheekily befor running back to his group of friends.

I rolled my eyes at his last comment, but couldnt help but smile as I walked toward the office to pick up my schedule. As I walked into the main office I approched the lady sitting in the desk by the windows. "Um excuse me?" I asked shyly "Yes dear?" she replied sweetly " My name is Jade Masons, I'm new here and I need to pick up my schedule."  I answered " Oh! Of course dear here you  go." she smiled "Thank you" I stated " Not a problem dear." she replied.

As I scanned over my schedule I realized I had no idea where any of my classes were. "Do you need help?" a girl with bright red hair and peircing eyes asked "Uh yea actually th-thanks." I answered. "No problem! Hey! Look we have fifth and sixth period together! That's awesome.. Oh um by the way my name is Kat!" she said. " Cool my name is Jade" I replied happy I was able to make a new friend so quickly.

"Oh well um here is your class" Kat said snapping me out of my thoughts. "Okay thank you so much!" I replied with a smile. "I'll pick you up outside your classroom for lunch,  i- if thats okay with you of course?" Kat said "Sure! Sounds great!" I replied with a smile, she smiled back then headed to her classroom.

I walked into the classroom and sat down in the back corner. Then all of a sudden a burst of laughter came from the door of the classroom. I look over only top see the people I least wanted to see.. The boy with the blue eyes...

A/N: Okay so this is my first time writing on wattpad so I hope you guys like it and please give me as much feedback as possible and i will try to update on mondays and fridays so please vote comment and tell me what you think okay lovelys till next time.. mwah xx-Jazz

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