Chapter Two... How To Get A Forest Gem From A Chao Queen.

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Vector, Charmy, Espio, and Cream were all in The Chao Garden, trying to figure out how to get the forest gem from the Chao Queen.

Cream: Hey everyone, I think I might have an idea.

Vector: Might as well hear her out.

Espio: what's your idea, Cream?

Cream: Maybe we could ask the Chao Queen to give us the forest gem nicely.

Charmy: I don't know, Cream. I tried to do that, and she slapped me.

Cream: I'm sure if we try again, she'll give us the forest gem.

Cream walks up to the Chao Queen.

Cream: Hey Mrs. Chao Queen. May we please have the forest gem back please?

The Chao Queen pats Cream on the head and shakes her head no.

Cream sighs.

Cream: Welp, I tried.

Charmy: Yep. I'm all out of ideas.

Cream looks up at Espio and an idea pops up in her head.

Cream: Mr. Espio?

Espio looks down at Cream.

Espio: What is it, Cream.

Cream: Do you think you can do 'it'?

Espio: What do you mean by 'it'?

Espio suddenly finds out what Cream meant by 'it'.

Espio: Nuh uh. Absolutely not!

Cream: Please Mr. Espio? We really need you to.

Espio: Well I'm not going to do it.

Charmy and Cream: Please Espio?

Cream and Charmy uses puppy dog eyes. And a few seconds later, Vector decides to join in.

Espio: Really Vector? You too?

Vector: I kind of want to see it too.

Espio sighs.

Espio: Fine.

Espio walks up to the Chao Queen.

Espio: I'm going to hate myself tomorrow.

Espio turns around and shows one of the cutest puppy dog faces anyone has ever seen.

Everyone minus Espio laugh.

Vector: He's actually making a cute face.

Cream: Who knew someone so serious could make such a cute puppy dog face?

Charmy pulls out his phone and takes the picture of Espio.

Charmy: I am so going to post this on mobobook.

Espio: Can I have the forest gem now?

Chao Queen: Chao chao.

Espio: Are you serious? I embarrassed myself for nothing?

Charmy: Not really. I can send it to Amy if you want.

Espio: No!

Espio takes Charmy phone from him.

Espio: The last thing I want is to have Amy see me embarrass myself.

Cream: Why won't the Chao Queen just give us the forest gem already?

Vector: It's because you guys are doing it all wrong. Let me show you how it's done.

Vector walks up to the Chao Queen.

Vector: Give us the forest gem already, god damn it!

The Chao Queen summons her Chao Subjects and they beat up Vector.

A few minutes later...

Vector: How come I'm the only one who got beaten up?

Charmy: Probably cuz you cussed that them and you are really aggressive with them.

Vector: Well, I'm out of ideas.

Everyone suddenly sees all of the chao's running away from the Chao Garden.

Cream: What's going on?

Charmy: Why are all the chao's running away from The Chao Garden?

Everyone sees a Hornet Queen in front of them.

Hornet Queen: That's right you stupid Chao's. Run away. This is our territory now.

Espio: What are you?

Hornet Queen: I'm a Hornet Queen, and you're in my territory. Get out!

Vector: Not a chance.

Hornet Queen: Wanna bet? Hornets, attack these peasants?

The Hornet Queen cackles evilly and everyone gasps.

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