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Chapter 1
I was driving away, leaving everything that i know behind. I looked out the window to see my sister waving and smiling, she probably hoped I couldn't see the tears streaming down her face. I smiled and waved from behind the car window one last time, then turned back to the road and started driving towards my destination, colorado, at the apartments right next to the new college I will be attending. The dorms were all taken so I had to look at apartments and I found a nice looking one that had a roommate, sadly.  It was about a 2 and a half hour drive, and the first thing I did when I arrived at my new apartment,  was opened my trunk and took out my suitcases. as I was taking them out, I heard someone yelling. I looked around and saw that it was someone yelling into the phone. They were facing away from me so I couldn't see what they looked like.

I don't know what his deal is but I don't have a good feeling about him I thought as I closed my trunk.
That's when he turned around. His head blue eyes reminded me of my favorite sapphire necklace, he had cat shaped eyes and the royal blue in them went beautifully with his white hair.  how could anyone be this-

"Gotta problem?" he asked, clearly annoyed.

"Oh uh, sorry I was just-"

"Whatever" he mumbled then turned away and walked towards the apartment complex.
I had no idea why but I so shocked by his looks. I walked into the apartment and handed in the lease proving that I am where I am supposed to be, and they gave me the key to my room.

"Oh and has my roommate already moved in? Or will that be later?" I asked

"They should already be here, if i'm correct, I guess we'll find out!" he said with a cheerful smile. I laughed with him and said my thanks then headed up to the third floor, room 17.

I put the key in the door and twisted it, revealing a huge and extremely annoying squeak. Once I got inside the first thing I did was take my shoes off and lock the door, just habits from living with Abby, my strict sister. There were 5 stairs that lead up to the main area showing a kitchen with dark blue walls, then on my left was a door that was shut, so I assumed that was the bathroom, because farther up there were two doors across from each other, looking like 2 bedrooms. Then in the center and back of the medium sized apartment, there was a big window showing the lights of other apartments and buildings around. It was turning night time so I decided to start to unpack. I was going to walk to one of the bedrooms when I heard the bathroom door open. Before i could freak out I remembered y/n, you have a roommate calm down. I turned around and my heart dropped. Those eyes I could recognize anywhere, even if I only saw them once, outside of this apartment complex, 15 minutes ago. You gotta be-

"I'm not thrilled about having a roommate, so dont piss me off more than you already have. I have the bedroom on the left side." he said grumpily.
I was standing, shocked, as I watched my new roommate slam his door then two seconds later I heard the lock click. Great start. I thought, along with a line of swears. I stomped to my bedroom and shut the door. I hated having an empty and plain room, so I went to my green suitcase, the one with decorations and some of my home necessities like makeup, toothpaste and a toothbrush. I opened it up and found the rolled up posters of my favorite bands and took some tape that I also packed along with it. After a good 40-ish minutes my room had wall decor, and a sleeping bag with 2 pillows in the corner. I had a small closet with hangers already in there so I got started on that.

After I finished with what I could do so far in my room, I took all my toiletries into the bathroom. There was one sink, but a big counter space so I could have one side to myself. When I finished unpacking it was dark out and I realized I hadn't gotten food yet, so I decided to leave my apartment and go for a ride around town to see what fast food we have around, I was too lazy to cook. I pulled into a subway parking lot and walked in, It was the only place that sounded good at the time. I got in line and waited for my turn to go up as I looked around. It was a pretty small subway, with only about 4 tables and 2 booths, nothing compared to places back home.

"Next in line please." a green haired boy said, he was just as beautiful as the white haired one. I blushed, and stuttered my whole order. The spiky green haired boy had a very attractive smile and showed his dimples, what are they putting in these boys drinks in colorado, damn how are they all so attractive!? I screamed in my head. When I finished my order he said "You're new around here aren't you, Well I'm Gon, nice to meet you!" he said extremely politely.

"I- I am new and my name is y-y/n" I said

breathlessly.He chuckled and said "Enjoy your food, y/n, hopefully our paths will cross again!" he said and winked, which made my stomach fill with 10 times more butterflies then it already had.

"Y- yeah, me too." I said smiling.

I got Into the car and unwrapped my sandwich when I saw numbers on the paper. When I realized what it was I wanted to scream in joy, he wrote his phone number and "gon :)" next to it. I decided to wait to text him for another day, because I didn't wanna come off as too attached. That night when I got home my roommate was still in his room when I realized I don't even know his name. I went to his door to knock but the handle turned before I could reach it.

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