getting ready

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1 month of classes has gone by and y/n has still not figured out the situation with her roommate. He is mean, avoids her in public, but somehow manages to make comments that seem like he cares and that  they're friends. It doesn't make sense to her. Her job was getting groceries, and he was cooking, and they set privacy boundaries like no entering others rooms unless it's an emergency, and preferably no friends over to avoid someone finding out that the popular killua is roommates with y/n.

It was almost halloween and y/n had started decorating the apartment, but not too much, because she wanted to avoid any conflict with killua. She and Gon had become friends and had hung out quite frequently, but nothing more, and nothing less. They also had not once spoken of killua.

y/n was sitting on the 2 person couch watching netflix when killua came in after his saturday shift at a local coffee shop. "Hey" y/n said to killua, and killua barley nodded and went to his room. y/n rolled her eyes as she kept eating popcorn. Little did she know how tired she was, because she was soon asleep on the couch, and the movie had ended and the tv was blank. It was 10 PM when Killua finally decided he couldn't take it and woke her up.

"y/n, wake up i don't have time for this.'' Killua said she was slightly shaking her. She slowly opened her eyes and saw Killua right in front of her face. She was too tired to really do anything so all that happened was her blushing, then falling back asleep on the couch. After several failed attempts, killua hated what he was doing, but he scooped her up in his arms, and brought her to her bed and laid her down. He pulled the blanket over her and walked out. He knew something was bound to happen sooner or later, which was one of them falling for eachother, and he had to make sure it didn't happen, and he was now more motivated to stick with his plan. And that was to make her hate him.


y/n woke up to her loud obnoxious alarm and angrily shut it off, but her mood changed when she remembered that it was halloween. She got up and immediately went to take a shower then eat breakfast. She wanted to get an early start so that she would have time to go to the library and read for a bit. Once it was three in the afternoon, she decided to drive back to her apartment to get ready for the Halloween party. She had been told about it by Gon and Kurapika, her best friends. Apparently everyone went to this, so it was important that she had a good costume. After texting Kurapika for help with a costume they agreed that she should wear, the costume she would wear would be "sexy devil" and Kurapika would go as "classy angel".

y/n drove over to kurapikas dorm to pick him up so they could go shopping. The party didnt start till 7 so they had plenty of time. After they got their costumes, they were on their way back to Kurapika's dorm when he checked his phone. "Shit my roommates back, is there any way we could do this at your place, i mean it's bigger anyway."

fuck y/n thought. "Yeah I guess that's fine, but I just have to clean up a tiny bit before you come in." y/n said, she had a genius plan, at least she hoped.

When they arrived at the apartment door, y/n told kurapika to wait here while she picks up. As soon as the door closed she sprinted to killuas door, not realizing he was standing right in her way, and she smacked right into him. "What the hell?" Killua asked, annoyed.

"Killua, my friend is outside waiting to come in, just go in your room for like 30 minutes im begging, i'm so sorry this wasn't supposed to happen." y/n  said frantically.

"Fuck." Killua said and stormed to his room and locked the door. Thank god for y/ns ability to keep the place clean, so she wouldn't have to pick up stuff right now.

y/n walked back down to the door and opened it for kurapika, and showed him where the bathroom was. It had a huge sink vanity so y/n sat on  it and started her playlist of songs. "Ok so we can do makeup first then costumes?" y/n asked kurapika.

"Sounds good, although i won't be wearing much makeup.'' Kurapika laughed and joined y/n on the other side of the vanity.

Killua's wall was the wall next to the bathroom and he couldn't help but eavesdrop. "Are you gonna kiss leorio tonight?" y/n asked.

"Ugh well maybe if he stops being an ass" y/n and kurapika laughed for a bit "what about you, you still havent told me who you liked" kurapika asked.

"It's embarrassing" they both giggled like they were middle schoolers talking about their crush.

"Are you gonna kiss him or her tonight?" kurapika asked hopeful

. "I'm tempted, it just depends on what the mood is tonight I guess." y/n shrugged. They finished their makeup and put on the costumes.

"Y/n as you know, im gay, but holy fuck you look hot as shit right now." Kurapika said with wide eyes.

"Kurapika!" y/n laughed "that's embarrassing" y/n wined, still blushing.

What, im telling the truth, id fuck you if i was straight right now." kurapika said. "I'm being 100% honest here. Your crush is definitely gonna agree, trust me, you got it in the bag tonight."

y/n laughed with kurapika and waked him farewell, it was 6:30 and kurapika was gonna arrive separately, he had to grab things at his dorm first. y/n walked to killuas door and knocked on it.

"Finally do-" killua said when he opened the door, only to stop mid sentence because of what y/n was wearing, and how stunning she looked.

"What?" y/n said, only to remember what she was wearing. "SHIT! Dont look dont look!" she said running away covering her cleavage that was purposely supposed to be shown in that outfit. Once she got her robe on she returned to killua in the kitchen, still blushing. "Are you going to the party tonight?" she asked

"I'm debating, and by the way, who is the crush you were talking about?" killua asked

y/ns heart dropped, realizing he heard everything. "Well, it's none of your business, and I'm not telling you." she said stubbornly, turning away. Before she got back to her room she turned back and said "don't flatter yourself though, it's not you, and that's not changing." she said, and it was the truth, because she was crushing hard for gon.

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