Chapter 1

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Coraline's POV

I was walking threw the woods. My light blue eyes glowing in the dark night. I was walking mindlessly back to my old house in the deep woods, my outfit bloody, my hands and face bloody. My horns had blood dripping from them. I just moved to this small little town.

I had no friends, I had a human looking face and body but I had horns, bright turquoise eyes, my hair was a dark grey. My face was always bleeding for some odd reason I was born with the dark grey color hair. I was half alien, half demon and something else you all will find out sooner or later.

I could see the clearing to my home. It was big at least 4 rooms and 2 bathrooms. I walked to the door and grabbed the keys and unlocked the door. I walk in and take my shoes off while closing the door and locking it. Im very cautious about everything.

I kept in my thoughts while walking up the steps. I felt odd like someone was watching me. I stood there staring at the ground. I just gave it a couple of more seconds. I was waiting for something to happen.

But nothing happened. I walked into my room after looking around the hallway. When I came into my room, I jumped in the air and landed on my comfy bed not caring if I got blood all over the sheets. Well I mean my head bleeds down my face a lot though so it was kinda normal, but I killed a man a bit ago before I came home.

I had my door shut. I looked to see my big dog laying on her big beanbag. Well kinda a dog. She was big, when she stood up, she was almost six feet tall standing on her hind legs and all her teeth were  sharp like razor blades, and she had marks all over her face. Ive had her since she was a pup and I guess she was born with those scars.

I look down at her and she looked up at me. As we looked at each other she suddenly moved her head to the direction of the door. You could hear light footsteps like they were trying to be quiet as possible.

I already had the door locked and we were both very quiet. I walk quietly to the door and put my ear to the door. The footsteps walked passed the room I was in. I was just staring at my wall trying to listen further.

I heard a low growl from a man. I looked at my door cause I heard footsteps walk to my room. I had dead bolts on my bedroom door but to be honest I wanted to hurt this person. Just the thought of them coming into my home pissed me the fuck off. So I did a lil moonwalk towards my bed and sat down slowly so noise was not made.

My "dog" named Shadow stared at the door. I think she knew to be quiet cause usually she would have been growling at this point. I remember I have a key to all the doors and i lock all of them except one meaning my bedroom.

I heard footsteps walk away from my bedroom door.  I heard voices and other footsteps coming inside my home. I noticed it was storming outside. I looked at my hands then smiled deeply. Lets go see what's downstairs I told my self.

I opened my door slowly and applied one of my hands to the wall then my other hand. I started to crawl up the wall. I was crawling on the ceiling. I went to a dark corner in the hallway and looked at the intruders.

One person had a blue mask on with black ooz dripping from his eyes and had brown hair. He wore a dark blue hoody with black jeans. I looked to the other person next to him.

He had black long hair. His eyelids were looking as they were burnt off a good amount cause one of the eyes still had a half a eyelid still but looked black coal color, skin was pale and he had a cut smile ear to ear, fresh blood and old blood was visible. He was wearing a white hoody and black skinny jeans.

Then the last one had blonde hair with a green hat on. Kinda looked like that character Link but his eyes had blood pouring from them. His pupils were red and where the white part of his eyes should have been was completely black. No white to be seen. I just stared dumbfounded.

So I try to hear into they're conversation.

"Dude all the room doors are locked. So im not sure if there is anyone here." The masked one said. "Dude I seen a girl and see, someones shoes are at the front door." The grinning man stated. They were all looking around. I was just watching them. I slowly crept down. When my feet collided with carpet, I inch my way close to them. But not to close. I got into a fighting stance. I was just waiting for one to look back.

I finally got tired of standing there with them not noticing me. "Woo hoo." They're heads jerked towards me and I kicked the blonde dude in the face sending him flying at the wall. I placed my foot gently back on the ground and look at them. I got in my fighting stance again. As the masked one ran at me with a scalpel, My arm swung up next to my head and I had my leg raised and I sent my leg right at his knee. I heard a satisfying snap and him screaming and grunting.

The grinning man and me made eye contact with each other. He took out his knife. I just stared at him with a blank face. He walked close to me with his knife pointed out at me. When he got close enough, I grabbed his right wrist where he was gripping his knife. In a swift movement I used my knee to knock it out of his hand, his eyes widened more then they were before. I put my arms nearly around him putting both my hands on the back of his head. I pushed down on his head while I brought my knee up with power.


I smiled as I slowly let him drop to the ground. Shadow came down stairs checking out what has happened. Shadow looked over at the blonde guy who was looking at his 2 friends in terror. The masked one was grunting in pain while the grinning man was knocked out with a broken bloody nose. All of a sudden the blonde one looked up at me and I smiled. "Hello." I said smirking at him. He was speechless. "Man no manners? First you break in to my house now you don't wanna talk? Pathetic." I said my smile getting wider. "We didn't know anyone was here.." the blonde one said. "But didn't you say that smiley man seen a girl walking around the home?" I said one of my eyebrows raising upwards.

He stared at me for a moment. "Yes he did but we didn't believe him. Its raining outside." He said. I looked over to the window. It was lightning outside. "Ok and?" I said questioning him. He looked like he was getting irritated. "Dude you came into my home." I said, looking down at him anger starting to appear on my face while Shadow viciously starts to growl saliva dropping on my carpet. He backed up while looking at her.

"Don't you guys have a home?" I said. He looked surprised me asking that and not about there appearances but then he started to notice my features.

More blood trickled down my face and my smile got wider. "Oh blondie boy finally tryna notice what his "attacker" looks like." I started to laugh.

"Yes... We have a home, but it started to pour when we were heading back and we noticed this house in the woods that no one used to live in. Well... I see someone does now." He said looking at me. I smirked.

"I moved here a year ago." I told him. "Well we don't live to far from here but you see you knocked out my heavy friend." He said looking at the fake joker then at me. "Ok... and whats that got to do with me? Don't yall got some friends to come help pick him up?" I said to him while I sat on the couch.

"Yes." He said. I looked around and at him, "... Ok so get a hold of them." I told him.

He sighs. "SLENDERMAN!" He yelled. I sat there looking at him. Then I heard static and it was loud. But I love pain. So while that static was still blaring my smile was just getting wider and my ears started to bleed. The blonde guy watched me looking shocked.

The static stopped and a tall faceless man in a suit appeared next to my window. I stared at him and I think he was staring at me too. "Ben, what happened here?" The guy they called Slenderman said. "We broke in here and she knocked Jeff out and broke his nose, she snapped EJ's knee, and I lost 2 back teeth." He said panicky. The faceless man I think to me looked shocked cause he grabbed me by one of my legs with his tendril and "eyed" me up and down. I was hanging upside down. I stared back at him. Blood dripped down from my head onto the carpet.

"Who are you?" He said. "I don't recall having to tell you?" I said to him. He seemed to not like that answer cause he tightened his grip but I just grinned.

"I mean your name child." He face palmed. "Coraline Black. And... Im not a fucking child." I told him growling lowly. He set me on my couch. Might I add Im still upside down. "Well Im extremely sorry about these 3 idiots Ms.Coraline. I will take care of them." He said with that he grabbed all of them and they all disappeared in thin air.

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