Chapter 3: Harry Hook

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After a long talk with Uma and the crew (during which more than one Fried Fish Platter was hurled and at least two men reached for their swords from the sword drop up front) I'm more than a little relieved to be headed back home for some shut-eye. Da's been adamant that we all be on the alert recently, as there are more shipments than usual coming into Auradon because of the upcoming engagement and inevitable coronation. Auradonians may have a lot going for them, but they're suckers when it comes to sea raids. I've been on more than one trip with my dad where the white flag goes up before we've even had the chance to board the boat. Being not only the sole inheritor of the Jolly Roger, but first mate on Uma's crew The Vulgaris Vagabonds, I try to stay focused on what I do have. It burns me up to watch kids from the Isle being brainwashed by Auradonians and spoon fed their every need. I'm just as mad as Uma and I'll defend her to the death, but she's had Mal at top of her hit list for years. I can't waste my energy on petty fights or I'll end up old, alone, and waking up in a cold sweat from a dream of a ticking crocodile like my dad.

I stroll across the dock with my chin tilted up. I always feel safer and more in charge near the sea, and I've managed to catch the hour of night after the day's work but before peak pickpocketing hours. Absentmindedly, I stroke my hook and whistle an old sea shanty. I hear heavy footsteps quickly approaching behind me and whip around. It's one of the teenagers who lives near Jafar's part of town. They're notorious for stealing bread and having you tied up in a magic trance before you even notice you're being approached. This kid must be new on the streets, as he's not as lightfooted as the others typically are. I'm not particularly worried, but it can't hurt to give him a good fright.

I draw my sword and enjoy the satisfying gleam it takes on from the moonlight. "Eh eh eh, what do we have here? Is this a little street rat come to see what he can drum up from Harry Hook?" The kid is visibly frustrated that he's been caught. I hear a small jingling noise and I notice a coin purse hanging at his side. The day's exhaustion catches up with me and I'm suddenly highly annoyed and feeling more than a bit spiteful. "The fuck's that you got there? Hand it over kiddo and I'll let you scuttle on home to your wee da." I watch his eyes dart around rapidly, weighing the pros and cons of trying to make a run for it. "Ohhh no ye don't. Hand me the bag runt." Just for extra fun, I grin at him in a way I can only imagine appears maniacal.

"Awe, come on Hook. It's bad enough you caught me. You're gonna take my whole day's stash?"

"You bet yer shiny dollar." I raise my sword so that it sits just under his chin. While I'm widening my eyes and my grin to spook him, I hear a humming noise rapidly approaching. I blink several times, perplexed at the fact that there seems to be someone entering the Isle from Auradon. When I look back down the tip of my sword, the stupid kid has run. I release an annoyed grunt, but I'm not particularly bothered. I'm much more intrigued about which one of those prissy VKs has decided to make their way down for an evening visit.

There is a junkyard located right near the entrance to the Isle. I sheath my sword and stroll quickly in that direction. If it's that soft Carlos or Evie I bet I can easily shake them out of a few gold coins. It's not like they'd miss them anyways. I sneak over to the junkyard entrance before I'm in the mysterious visitor's line of sight, allowing myself to break a light jog to get there. It feels like I have to wait an absurd amount of time before I watch the visitor dismount the moped and make a half-assed effort to toss a tarp over it.

When the figure moves underneath a dim streetlamp I can suddenly make out who he is. Against my will, I inhale sharply. He is tall and slim, and a long mane of shiny hair looks wild from the windy ride over. It's Jay. This has significantly thrown me off. Not only was I expecting it to be an easier foe, I just didn't really want to see Jay. I'm not one to enjoy feeling powerless. My confusion and now rapid heartbeat cloud my judgment. I try to recall just a few hours ago when the crew and I were hurling stale French fries at a TV and yelling crude insults at the sight of news coverage of those traitor VKs. Feeling a spark of anger bring me to focus once again, I wait until his back is turned to approach. I muster all of my stealth and shadow him until I catch him in a vulnerable moment, leaned against the wall in a darkened corner. He's clearly trying to figure out where to go next, and I can't help but wonder why the hell he's here. When I see him crane his neck in an effort to stay concealed but get a feeling for the next turn down a dark alley he'll take, I jump out of my shadow.

With a clinical quickness, my sword is at his throat. He's backed into a corner and breathing heavily. I bring my hooked hand up to my hair and try my best to look cocky as I move a stray hair from my forehead.

"Well hello there... gorgeous face."

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