Chapter Four: Just Call Me Octavia

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"U9, U9, U9. Ah" As I finally found the room I've been looking for, for the past half an hour. And I was late, dead late.

If Matthew's actually went with me, or let me borrow one of his minions for a few minutes. I would of been on time.

Yep, if she asks I'm blaming them. Nice.

With the time table still clenched in my hand, I pushed the door open. Creating a big bang as everyone's head turns towards me.

" That door is way too light!" As the lady who I'm assuming was the teacher stared at me.

" And who are you?" She asked as if i was some alien from outa space.

" Did you not get the message?" As if he forgot to send it. That piece of-

" What message?" As she begins to glare at me. Teachers I swear, you can never win!

" The one Matthew's sent" As the whole room became silent.

Well this is awkward.

" Its Mr. Matthew's to you thank you very much."

" Your welcome, anyways did you get the message or not. My legs hurt and your making me stand at the doorway like a lost child.!"

As she became noticeably annoyed. With what, I don't know but I swear if it's with me..

Then again who else would it be with, I am wasting her lesson time. If she cares about that....

Which I probably don't think is the reason for her annoyance!"

" Don't disrespect the head." She spits at me as she sat on her chair, typing away. Hopefully she is looking for the damn message. Because I want to sit down and sleep, not like I was allowed to actually learn anyways.

" Don't disrespect the head, you spat on me. That's quite disrespectful don't you think?" As I wipe the contamination off of me.

Great, I probably have a disease now.

" Could you contain yourself from speaking and shut your mouth?" As she continued to type away.

" Whatever" I mutter, I cant be bothered to do anything anymore.
I don't like her.

" Oh yes Octavia you are in this class. I'm Ms. Flowers" She said as she stood up pointing towards a table at the back.

She is definitely not a flower. She desperately needs a name change.

" You can sit there. But also I call everyone by their surname so I'd like to know that"

As if anyone would get my surname, I'd practically be dead right now.

" Just call me Octavia!"

As I sat on the chair, everyone's eyes were on me as if I was something so interesting. Which quite frankly, I'm not.

" Quite staring" I grit, all their eyes were off me in an instant.

You might be thinking, why am I being so mean all of a sudden. Well, the more I act up, or what the little kiddies are called by their parents 'naughty', the more times you get sent to him. The more times we can bond.

That's what I'm aiming for. Smart, I know!

" Octavia, I need your surna-"

" You don't need anything, all you need is to go on with the lesson. We have twenty minutes left, get on with it." As gasps were heard all around the room.

I guess not many people are so out spoken. Or everyone here is just quiet, I don't think I could stand a school with quiet people. Not like I'm here to make friends but you know..

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