"It killed meh, it killed meh"

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⚠️Spice warning⚠️

Today we have Hagrid's first lesson. Its pretty exciting because i heard that we're gonna go into the forbidden forest. There are a lot of beautiful creatures. Maybe we are gonna meet one! Youre walking to Hagrid and a lot of people are already there. "Ah y / n welcom" Hagrid says. Hagrid and i are good friends.

We walk to a place in the forest and you see a creature. You know what creature, its a hippogriff. "Open your book." "And how do we exactly do that?" You hear Draco saying. "Stroke the back of course." Suddenly you hear Neville scream. Neville is a shy gryffindor boy. You have no idea how he comes into gryffindor, hufflepuf was way better. You stroke the back of your book and open it. "Let me introduce Buckbeak to y'all." Hagrid throws a ferret at him and Buckbeak eats it up. "So who wants to pet him?" Everyone steps back while Harry and you are still looking at Buckbeak. You look around and want to step back too. But hagrid already shout "Ah Harry and y / n who wanna go first ?!" As shout Harry as fast i can say. That thing is dangerous im not dumb. I step back while pushing Harry a bit forwards. He looks around and gives me a glare. I mouth sorry to him and walk back.

Harry successfully pet Buckbeak. Then Hagrid picks him up and let him sit on Buckbeak while Harry yells "No, No Hagrid!" But Hagrid already slapped Buckbeak and he shoots up. You watch after Harry but they go out of my sight. A little time later Harry comes back with a big smile on his face. Well done Harry, now y / n you will step forwards please. Wait what, oh no you still have too. You look at Harry but he just smiles at me. 

I step forwards, but when i wanted to bow i realized something .... fuck i have a short skirt on. Omg and i dont have my robes with me. When you was close enough you heard Hagrid say "Alright you can bow y / n, but really slowly." You push my skirt a bit down and bow. FUCK! He- he has gone a bit up. Maybe if you looked good you could see my underwear. You pushed your skirt as fast you could down. No reaction? NO REACTION !! They didn't see it. Omg youre so happy. You walk to Buckbeak who also bowed down. You pet him and then you walk back. You dont wanna ride that thing, cause you will see that you fall of.

Then Draco walks past everyone and stands right for him. Oh gosh you think. Then Buckbeak prance and Draco fell on the ground. "AH it killed meh, it killed meh!" "Uhm its just a scratch." Hagrids says in a bit of panick. "Hagrid he needs to go to the hospital!" You say. "Oh well i will bring him."

All your classes are done and you are reading a book in the common room. There was a quiddatch match but you werent in the mood to go. Apperently slytherin won because they came in screaming "WE ALWAYS KNEW THAT POTTER WAS THAT GOOD!" Oh no you didnt know that its was slytherin vs gryffindor. Youre great friends with the golden trio and Luna. You always have felt a bit sad for Luna. She is really nice and just herself, but people think shes weird and call her loony. 

You look at the group slytherins and they go sit on the couch. A lot are gonna shower so only Blaise, Theo, Pansy and Draco. Pansy climbs on top on Blaise and start making out with him. Probably to make Draco jealous. You heard that Dracos arm was broken but mrs Promfrey already fixed it. 

You try to continue reading, but Blaise and Pansy make to much sounds. "Go find a room." You splash at him. They glare at you and just stay. You feel like someone is staring at you. Draco, Theo is talking to him but decited to go to sleep. Then Draco says something unaspected "Yea go find a room." "But Dracy-" "Don't call me like that and go away." "But then you're alone with .... her." She says while rolling her eyes. "Yes i know." "But-" "GO!" Blaise stands up and takes Pansy her hand and takes her to his dorm. 

You wanted to go so you close your book and stand up. "Where do you think your going babygirl?" Draco says. "Im going to my dorm." "No you still own me something, i have got Pansy and Blaise out the room like you wanted ..... and i needed to hold me in by Hagrid lesson when i saw your underwear." Oh fucking gosh this cant be true he saw my underwear. "You also got a short skirt on so i deserve my treat, dont you think?" "No." You wanna walk away when you feel a cold hand on your waist. "Dont listen to daddy do you?" He says while moving his hand up hand down. You stood there frozen not knowing what to do. "Cat got your tongue?" He says while smirking. "Look im not one of your sluts, im y / ny / l / n and if thats not enough dont talk to me." His smirk fades away from is face but his hand is still on your waist. "Don't make me mad babygirl, because then I'm gonna fuck you so hard that you can't walk for an week." "Oh shove of Malfoy." Fuck you've got him mad, you regret your decision already.

He pushes you on the couch and begin to rip your clothes of leaving your underwear and bra on. After that he starts kissing you on your jaw. You cant stop it but getting wet by you underwear. His hand moves from your waist to your breast. He cups it and takes your bra of. He put his mouth on your nipple and start sucking it. You moan and put your hands in his hair. "You like that babygirl?" "Ah y-yes draco ah." He kisses you down to your underwear, with one tug he pulls your underwear of. Leaving you fully naked. He stops kissing and looks you up and down. "God your so beautiful." Then he pulls his finger in you then another one. He pumps his fingers fast in and out me. You moan loudly. He groans before pulling his fingers out and sucking them of. "You taste so goddamnit good."

He takes his shirt of and unbuckled his belt. He pulls down his pants and boxer. His dick shouts up to his abs. It looks painfully hard. He takes his member in his hand and strokes it a few times. "You sure you wanna do this?" When he rubs his dick against your pussy. Even if it is Draco, he looks hot. You feel like you want him, you need him. You nod and he pulls his dick in faster then a second in you. You moan hard, while he swings his hips back and forth.

He pulls his dick out and rolls you over. On your hands and knees. He pushes his member again in you and starts thrusting. 

After a while you almost cum. "Ah D-Draco im g-gonna cum." "Dont cum till i let you cum slut." You try to hold your organism back. A minute later Draco finally says "Cum for me babygirl." You cum first and his cum shoots after youre done in you. 

You both are tired and decited to go to Dracos room because he has a dorm for himself. You lay in his bed and fall fast asleep next to Draco.


Heyy im not sure if i should give y / n         a name, because i think that y / n is a bit weird lmao.

So what should i do??

Some names i thought of:

Julie Wilson

Amelia Jones

Isabella Davies

byeeeee 💗

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