Toy Bonnie wuz excited.
Yey i has da song redy 4 Jeremy.
Sudenly Billy came up 2 Toy Bonnie.
I think ur too l8 Toy Bonnie cuz Jeremy luvs Mangle.
Toy Bonnie started to cri.
Nuu but i luv Jeremy Mangle dont deserve him. Toy Bonnie sed.
Toy Bonnie wuz very mad so ge wuz gunna make a plan.
Mangle i sorry not sorry cuz i luv Jeremy not u.
Jeremy wuz hangin out @ his home watchin a movie abot fish.
Dis movie is very confusing. He sed.
Suddenly Mike came in and started watchin with him.
Hey Jeremy did u kno Toy Bonnie lieks u.
Oh well to bad for him i liek Mangle.
Oh okey but what will u do abot Toy Bonnie.
Ill go talk to him and try to help him find new luv.
Dats a gud idea Jeremy.
I kno.
It wuz 12 am and Jeremy's shift had started.
Jeremy went and found Toy Bonnie.
Hey Toy Bonnie i need 2 talk 2 u.
Oh hai Jeremy i need 2 talk 2 u too.
Okey u go first Toy Bonnie.
Jeremy i luv u i think u are so bæ.
Oh Toy Bonnie i dont luv u liek dat but ill help u find new luv cuz i dont want u 2 be sad.
Okey Jeremy but i will not get over u.
Ya u will one day.
U r gunna look so bootyful Toy Bonnie i kno Fredy will luv u.
Okey Jeremy thx.
I think u r Redy4Fredy.