Fredy wuz laughin all evil liek.
Hueueueue now i can start mah evil plan.
Fredy walked up to Mangle wit a bowl of cuukies.
Hey Mangle u want sum cuukies.
Sure Fredy i luv cuukies.
Mangle ate da cuukie and felt all sleepy liek.
Fredy wut wuz in dose cuukies.
Idk i got dem frum Jeremy.
Okey. Mangle sed and went to sleep.
Dont worry Mangle u will luv me after dis.
Den Fredy started messin wit Mangles servo.
Billy wuz lonely so he decided 2 go and let out the peeps in da service ruum.
Hai guiez im lonely will u hang wit meh.
Nuu Billy nobody lieks u. Freddy said.
Okey im gunna go cri in a corner.
Den all da old peeps came out and did stuff.
Freddy wuz gunna go annoy his stupid twin thing.
Chica wuz findin out abot all da relationships and makin OTPs.
Bonnie wuz tryna get Chicas attention but she wuz 2 busy writing Fanfiction.
Foxy wuz just walkin around and he saw Toy Chica.
Ohmaigawd she got da booty.
Toy Chica herd and sed.
What do u want Foxy.
I want dat booty.
Are u sayin im bæ.
Dat booty is bæ.
I think ur bæ 2 Foxy i luv u.
Dat booty is bigger dan Nikki Minaj.
Puppet Dood herd all of da conversation and came up 2 Toy Chica.
Toy Chica i thought u luved meh u sed I wuz bæ.
I was just using u Puppet Dood 2 cover up how desperate i relly wuz.
Nuu Toy Chica y do u hurt me in dis way.
Cuz your not bæ liek Foxy.
Puppet Dood started 2 cri and went bak 2 his music box.
Chica wuz in da background shouting.
Mangle woke up and wuz all evil liek.
Hueueueue i kno whut im gunna do 2day.
Jeremy had just got switch 2 day shift and he wuz gunna werk at a birtday partee.
RURedy4Mangle.[[SURPRISE NEW ENDING THAT ISN'T RUREDY4FREDY. Also, can anyone guess what's going to happen to poor Jeremy? The end is coming soon, and I'm sorry if you hate Toy Chica or Foxy now (Probably not but still for that 0.5%)]]