Y3・゚✧*:・゚✧ Dementors on the train

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Your pov

It had been about 30 minutes since the news was broken. I was still sobbing in the moonlight, away from everyone. I wasn't really cross with anyone, just.. shocked. And, confused. 

I don't know who my real parents are. And.. I'm an heir of Gryffindor?

I shook my head and tried to silence the swarming thoughts in my head. 

I heard someone walking up the stairs and ignored it, leaning my head against the window again. 

"H-hey" Ron said softly and came closer. 

I looked up at him, and couldn't understand why he was here. 

He sat next to me and gave a small smile. 

"It's alright," he reassured. 

"But, R-ron I'm not even your real sister!" I sobbed, unable to believe anything. 

He immediately pulled me into a hug. "We don't need the same blood to be brother and sister you know? You've always been like a sister to me and will always be." he said. I cried softly into him, soon, Ginny came upstairs too. 

She came over and hugged me too, I could see light tearstains on her cheek. Fred and George thundered up the stairs pushed Ginny and Ron aside. 

I laughed softly as they pulled me into a hug as well. 

After a lot of hugs and a few sniffs, I went back down, ready to face the others. 

Harry immediately pulled me into a hug before I came down the last few steps. "A-are you alright?" he asked softly.

I hugged him back, "I suppose." I mumbled into his shoulder. 

Hermione hugged me too and said we'd talk about this later, in our room. 


Harry's pov

Y/n was still pretty quite during dinner, picking at her food and keeping her head down. 

She made it very clear she wasn't cross with the Weasleys, but that she was shocked and confused. 

I was honestly worried for her and said she could talk to me anytime, but she said she was perfectly fine.

"How're we getting to King's Cross tomorrow, Dad?" asked Fred.

"The Ministry's providing a couple of cars," said Mr. Weasley.

Everyone looked up at him.

"Why?" said Percy curiously.

"It's because of you, Perce," said George seriously. "And there'll be little flags on the hoods, with HB on them—"

"— for Humongous Bighead," said Fred.

Everyone except Percy and Mrs. Weasley snorted into their pudding.

                         ✧・゚: *✧ Time skip ✧*:・゚✧

I had no chance to speak to Y/n, Ron or Hermione in the chaos of leaving; we were too busy heaving all our trunks down the Leaky Cauldron's narrow staircase and piling them up near the door.

A small wickerwork basket stood beside the heap of trunks, spitting loudly.

"It's all right, Crookshanks," Hermione cooed through the wickerwork. "I'll let you out on the train."

"You won't," snapped Ron. "What about poor Scabbers, eh?"

Y/n laughed at their bickering, she was in a much better mood now and everyone was glad.  

𝐁𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬 (Harry Potter x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now