#2 Lab buddies(Part 1)

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Y/s/n =Your sister's name

I feel the sunlight on my face. I open my eyes and look at the clock which is beside me. It's only at 7 o'clock. I've never woken up that early. There is no headache, no dizziness, and I felt full of energy.

Today I can have my breakfast well. I get up from my bed and go downstairs to make the best cereal.

"Sleep well?" my dad asks.

"Yeah, the best sleep ever," I say as I open the fridge door. I grab the milk bottle and pour it into the bowl. Then I pour cereal and put some banana slices which I cut.

"Dad, do you want some bananas?" I asked.

"Give me some" my sister says and hands her bowl to me. I put some banana slices into her bowl and have my delicious cereal. "Where did you go yesterday?" I ask her.

"Nowhere, just went to Sofia's house for a school project," she says and finishes her cereal.

"Are you sure? I know you were not at Sofia's house. You just went to your boy..... 

"I said I went to Sofia's house. Why do you make the conversation longer?" she said.

"Hey, kids! stop arguing." dad interrupts.

 "You are not my mother, I can go whatever I want." She said and sit up from her chairs.

"Y/s/n if you lie to me you will be grounded. Y/n finish your breakfast and prepare for your school."

She ruined my mood. I finish my cereal and went upstairs. I open the door of my room. "What the ....?" My hand stick with the doorknob. I pull away hard and the doorknob broke. "What the heck?" I look at my hand and say. "I broke the doorknob? Why am I  so strong all of a sudden?"

I am shocking now. I enter my room and walk to the bathroom and do my morning routine. I can't believe what I did earlier. But I don't want to waste my time thinking about that so, I tie my hair up in a high ponytail and grab a gray T-shirt and blue skinny jeans from my closet. I wear my white converse and tie the shoelaces. I head downstairs to the kitchen.

"Bye, dad!" I say and leave the house. I pull my earbuds out of my backpack, put them on, and play the sunflower by Post Malone.


I reach Midtown and walk to my locker."Hey! Do you feel better now? I heard that you blacked out at our sightseeing yesterday."

 I heard a voice beside me and look at that person. It's Harrison. Harrison is Jennifer's crush. He stares at me with his ocean eyes. 

 I take off my one earbud and say "Uh, yeah, I feel better now."  "Ok, Don't study too much. See you around!" he smiles and walks away.

Well Harrison is handsome, good at sport, has a good personality, the nicest person to me in this school and many girls are crush on him but I don't.

My first class is science class. So, I take some books from my locker and walk to the science class. Today Peter Parker is partnered up with me for lab buddies. I see him around but I've never talked to him. He looks like a nerd but he's cute too.

"Uhh, Hi!, We are lab partners today."I heard a high-pitched voice while I am losing in thought."Ahh, hi!" I replied. We put our goggles on. I clear my throat, "oh, yeah, right, so, um  I'll do that water sample and you'll mix the ingredients to kill more bacteria at once."

"Ok," he responded. While I pouring the water into the funnels I see Peter bending down, from the corner of my eyes. 

Peter's pov;

I want to try the web fluid formula first. So, I  pour the shear-thinning liquid into the test tube and I mix it. Suddenly it froths and I don't know what to do. I put that test tube into the drawer when I heard Y/n's voice.

" Peter, what are you doing? Where is the mixture?" I ask. "Uhh, yeah, I am not finished yet," he replied nervously. "What's in the drawer?" I ask. "Nothing!" he said. But I already draw the drawer. The froth comes out from the tube and the tube breaks loudly.

 💖   Part 2 will come soon. I f you like this chapter, please vote for this. Your votes mean a lot.💖

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