Hey I thought you were dead!

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Scarlett stared at her phone in shock trying to under stand what she is reading finally after 3 or 4 minutes of looking at her phone like a idiot she responded.
Scarlett: WAIT HOW?!
Cameron: Luckily the bullet wasn't fatal.
Scarlett: how are you using you phone then?!?!?
Cameron: The phone was in my pocket so they put it on the little dresser thing.
Scarlett: Ok cool story but I don't care hate to break it to you anyway it's three in the morning so I'm going to text later.
Cameron: Fine but is Alice awake I can't get a hold of her.

Scarlett stared at the phone and turned it off she didn't want to talk about Alice and her idiotic self. She fell back into her bed and closed her eyes, but she quickly opened them once she heard a tapping at her window.

    what is this Edgar Allan Poe the raven?! she thought she tried to ignore it since it was obviously the wind and tried to go back to sleep in till the tapping stopped and was replaced by the sound of her window being opened. Her eyes bolted open, and she sat up and grabbed the gun she had in her drawer
      I never thought this would off come in handy thank you Alice! she thought

She pointed the gun to the window and was greeted by the friendly broken eyes of the infamous Alice. She smiled, stepped forward and took the gun out of Scarlett's hand. Scarlett sat there dumbfounded eyes and mouth open.

"I thought you died?!" Scarlett whisper Alice chuckled and smiled

"Hey, did you forget I was the best actor out of the whole school." She replied.

"But I heard bullets!"

"Hey, I've heard of a bullet proof vest." Alice said as she poked her nose. "Also I hate to brag but I can hold my breath for a pretty long time also I had these blood things on so when the shot it exploded." Alice added as she grabbed a pillow from Scarlett's bed as well as some of the covers she tossed them the floor and looked at her.

"I think I did a pretty goo job after all I even fooled the narrator!" Alice exclaimed

"Okay, stop braking the fourth wall." Scarlett retorted Alice rolled her eyes and played down on the floor where the blanket and pillow where.

"Well talk tomorrow." Alice whispered and she drifted off  into sleep. Scarlett was still up a few hours later and she just stared at the ceiling and said.

             "I guess it did end your way"

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