part 5

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The next day Denki went home but he wasn't very happy about it because his mother didn't like what he did with himself and that he is now a boy

"This is not going to be good very well"

When he got home, his mother was standing at the door All the time he was at home, his mother told him that he couldn't do it and she didn't like it, but she never behaved like that, and since Denki tried to stop it with words, she slapped him.

When Denki went to school in the morning, he had scars on his neck and the only one who noticed was Kirishima.

K: Hey bro! Good morning

D: uhh what?

K: I said good morning :D

D: yeah..good

K: something happ- what is this on your neck?

D: THAT'S NOTHING !! I just..uhh you know i am doing some stupid things and then this happend

K: Oh .. Are you okay? You look like sad

D: No, no, no I'm good !!

K: Okay, Okay

After school, Denki went to the park, but now without Bakusquad. He sat down on the bench and thought about what he had done so badly

Shinso also went for a walk and saw Denki sitting in the park on a bench with tears in his eyes.

S: Hey Denki!

D: h-hi ...

S: Why are you crying? What happended?

D: T-that's nothing, dont worry

S: Are you sure?

D: huh? Of course i am ..

S: Okay but what is that on your ne-

D: Uhh ... How was your day ??

S: Denki, shut up and tell me what happended

D: Nothing !!

S: I know that something happended so tell me it or i'll use my quirk

D: I- umm ...

Denki didn't know what to say, so Shinso sat down next to him and grabbed his shoulder, but when Denki felt he had touched him, he got a Flashback what his mom did to him for being a trans, so he was scared what Shinso is doing


S: Wha- Denki! Denki it's okay! I'm not gonna hurt you!

D: Sorry i just-

S: Denki listen. Tell me what happended! Please i'll help you if i can

D: Okay ... please don't tell it to anyone okay?

S: I promise

Denki explained what had happened and Shinso understood

D: so that happended

S: She's not normal! Can i come and told her tha-

D:NO! I mean .. please don't

S: Okay be careful okay? I don't want her to hurt you anymore

D: yeah ...

S: It'll be good i know it

D: heh ..

Shinkami {Is that True Love?} 💛💜🏳️‍🌈Where stories live. Discover now