part 10 { Date }

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So after everything what they said  Denki grabbed his hand. Shinso liked it and he starts smile at him again.

S: so where are we going?

D: Hmm i don't know. Where do you want to go?

S: You like video games right?

D:Yeah! I love it

S: So we can go to the arcade

D: Really?!

S: Yes. If you want


S: Okay so come

D: Wait look! Is that Bakugo with Kirishima?

S: Yeah? I think they're together


S: I see that!

D: Woah... he kissed him! OMG

S: Okay come and don't stare at them

D: Really? But he didn't tell me it

S: oh really?

D: Yeah..

S: Stop thinking about it and come. Do you want play games with me don't you?

D: Okay, okay i'm coming

S: Good boy

D: Wha- i'm not dog!

S: That was only for fun babe

D:  Hmm..

- After 15 minutes  walking -

D: There it is!!

S:Yep so come inside

D: OH GOD. I forgot money UGH

S: That's okay i have some

D: You can't spend all your money on me!

S: I can and you know why?

D No, why?

S: because you're mine

D: UH okay

S: So i can?

D: do whatever you want

S: Are you sure?


S: I'm joking!

They went to the Arcade and it was fun. Denki loved it.  Shinso liked looking how is his boyfriend smiling.

- After 1 hour in arcade-

D: Woah it is really 6pm now?

S: Yeah.

D: Sooo where do you want to go now?

S: I thinked about restaurant or something like that

D: Great we can go! I know one good restaurant. Me and Bakusquad are going there so often and i love it there

S: Okay so we can go

D: Hold my hand. Pleaseee i love it!

S: No problem

D: Yaay!! so now come it is only 10 minutes from there

S: okay okay you're so happy right now right?


They started walk to the rastaurant and Denki was windering what Shinso's sexuality is when hes dating him

D: umm Toshii?

S: Yeah?

D: I was wondering somethingg..

S: What is it?

D: umm what is your sexuality? when you're dating me?

S: Oh. I'm not sure but i think im gay...

D: That's great!! Im bi

S: really?

D: Yeahh!

*bzz bzz*

S: What is it?

D: Oh Kiri texted me

S: Okay  look at it

D: Okay

Kirishima: Heyy! i saw you with Shinso. What are you two doing?😏

What? NOTHING!! Well i can ask you this
  same question. What are you doing with Bakugo?

Kirishima: Nothing okay i'm not gonna ask questions anymore. We can talk about it later Byee!!

Pffft. Now you don't wanna talk huh? XD

S: He wanted something?

D: He saw us and now is he asking me stupid question

S: mhhm.. is it that restaurant or?


S: Woah! Slow down!!

D: Okay sorry!!

S: That's okay

When they walked in it was a big restaurant and Shinso kinda liked it. They ordered food and they talked about Denki becouse Shinso wanted to get him know more. He asked about why is he trans and things like that. Denki told him everything because he belive him. Denki told something dumb and then he started to laugh at it like an idiot and Shinso liked his laugh. After everything they walked to the park again

D: *grabs his phone*

S: Why are you looking at my number?

D: i wanna change something on it

S: uhh what is it?

D: just look

Denki changed his name from Hitoshii to My love 🥰💜

D: done

S: You're so sweet Denki

D: You areee!!!

S: heh.. thank you?

D: WOAH IT'S 8PM!! do you want to have a sleepover?

S:why not

D: with Bakusquad if you don't mind it


D: Yaay!! I love you so so much!!

S: you told this to me so many times

D: Ohh so you don't like it?

S: I'm not saying that! ofc i like it.

D: okay come they're waitimg for us

Denki grabbed his hand again snd they walked to their dorms. When they were in dorms they had fun with Bakusquad. Denki fell asleep on Shinso and Shinso really liked it. When Denki fell asleep Shinso told them that he's going to get him to the bed and he will be with him. Mina shiped them so much.  When Shinso was with him he fell asleep too. They were so cute together.


Shinkami {Is that True Love?} 💛💜🏳️‍🌈Where stories live. Discover now