Sunday evening. My peaceful slash evening.

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Today she acts like a kid whose body is trapped inside a twenty eight years old petite woman. Dancing and singing like crazy. She even lifts me up and shouts at my face. My cute face.

I hate it when she becomes out of control. I blame that hip hop gay man. Who is his name again? Yeah, G to the D, G-dragon. I'm rolling my eyes now. Which dragon wearing such a weird make up? And weird wardrobe? I feel sorry for Dara though. Because this Princess of mine sharing those things with him. Yeah those weird stuff.

"Dadoong-ie. Guess what! Jiyong bought this jacket for me from Paris Fashion Week!"

I'm being the most polite cat in the world as I am, just let out a meow sound which she deciphers herself as anything she wants.

"You love it too?!"

See? The meow I just pronounced actually means 'I don't care'.

What does she expect me to do anyway? Throwing confetti? I am a mere cat. What a cat does is, meowing, licking its fur, staring lazily at anything but becomes excited when seeing food on its plate, purring, rubbing its body to nearby good looking less harmful people and sleeping peacefully. Today is far from peaceful. It's chaotic. My beauty sleep is ruined because of this stupid non-sense song is playing in her LCD television.

"Nan oneul Michigo! Nan oneul Michigo!" she sings along like a mad girl.

Somebody please kill the guy inside that MV please. My gorgeous eyes are bleeding.

Jealous? Ha.. Ha.. at G-Dragon? Ha.. Ha..

Anyway will this Princess of mine stop spazzing while hugging me? I can't breathe!

Damn you G-dragon!


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