(ch 7 + a/n)

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--- c h  7  -  s u g a w a r a ' s  p o v ✨

Sugawara moved back a bit revealing Hinata's face, almost explaining why he wasn't answering him.
"Hinata..?" I asked him again lightly using my thumb to run away his tears from his soft face and his closed eyes. He still shook and felt as if he were scared of something. I wondered why he didn't answer me...
"Hinata..." I asked again moving his hair away from his face. He seemed to not notice that much, and almost completely disregarded me...
I decided to try to get his attention a different way.
Knowing I'd probably either make or break my relationship with him either choice I pick, I'm just diving in...
He looked up at me with surprise I'd said his first name. He looked completely dazed I'd said his first name. "I- Did- mhmnkjnxnm???" His face burned bright red. I laughed a bit before continuing why I needed his attention.
"You weren't answering me... are you okay?"
"O-oh, yeah. I'm fine."
"Are you sure.? You don't seem fine Hinata.."
"I was.. just.. thinking is all."
"Don't hurt yourself with your thoughts, you're just as important as anybody else."
"T-... thank you..." he mumbled. His face was still red as he pulled me closer to him again.

A/N :  lmao squeezed this out of my tiny brain hole just to post something, im going from 2 chapters to 1 chapter every update ^^

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