Chapter 5

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The general stalked toward them, his muscular body more lean and sinewy than the king's, moving with purposeful grace. She met his grey eyes, not cold but stormy. A wild tempest about to crash down on her.

She realized with blinding shock that he'd been there the entire time, watching. Had been in bed with the queen, probably fucking her ass when she arrived with the king, interrupting them.

Her imagination ignited with the knowledge of what they were to each other. The king and queen silently communicating with him. Positioning her carefully, arranging their carnal fun and games so he could observe every exquisite stage of her deflowering.

Hot desire clawed at her, molten and heavy.

"Watch," the queen whispered in her ear.

The king rolled out of bed and dropped to his knees at the general's feet. He caressed the king's lips with his thumb, wrapping one hand around the nape of his neck, the other cradling his jaw. Urging him to open his mouth. The king took his cock eagerly. Deeper and deeper, thick and heavy, the head sank into the king's mouth and down his throat. The general's lips parted on a groan.

The king swallowed him with sharp, forceful thrusts, fondling his shaven balls. She could see them contract, growing taut in the king's hands. He was so close already. Aroused beyond endurance, witnessing her initiation in pleasure. His king, his queen. His lovers. And her.

She drank in the sight of the two powerful men, a king pleasuring his subject. With quiet moans and eyes half-closed, they watched her watching them with unbridled greed, her heart racing and cunt throbbing. She wanted to see his cum spurt over the king's face, dribble down his chin. She wanted to lick it off him. The image was too raw to ignore. She reached down to rub her clit, desperate for relief.

The queen's breath hitched. "She's coming. Clenching around my fingers," she laughed huskily. "She finds you just as enthralling as I do."

Still trembling from sweet release, she moaned plaintively. A needy whine.

"Tell them," the queen urged. "Tell them what you want."

"Come on his face, My Lord," she commanded.

The king let out a fervent groan, eyes fluttering shut before looking up at the general whose mouth had gone slack with lust. The king took him deep one more time, and the general pulled out with a guttural grunt, the skin of his engorged cock tight and glistening. Cursing under his breath, the general shot his thick milky spend into the face of his king who kneeled, obeisant, with mouth open to catch as much as he could.

She crawled to the king on hands and knees, clinging to his shoulders as she licked up the thick cum beaded on his cheek. Caught in the cleft of his chin. Melting down the side of his neck. Then she inhaled the heady fragrance of the queen next to her, perfume and sex, and glanced over to see the king frantically devouring her mouth, sharing the general's spend on his lips and tongue.

In a daze, she turned to the general swaying on his feet, chest heaving as he watched them all feasting on his cum. Gripped by his piercing gaze, dark with hunger, she pressed her lips to his softening cock, still twitching gently, to suck him clean.

"Like the way I taste, do you?" he asked in a rough growl.

She nodded, her eyes unfocused, feeling drunk. She'd heard his voice before, laced with power. Raised in rage or battle, it would be harsh and rugged. Thunderous. It sent chills through her as it always did, no matter how much she resented his effect on her. The other untouchable man.

But now...

The general pulled her to her feet, pushing her down on the bed, crowding her with his perfect body, all heat and muscle. He looked down at her for a heart-stopping moment, stormy eyes swimming with an emotion she couldn't name, and gave her a soft kiss, unexpectedly sweet. But he didn't touch her, letting his eyes rake down her body to fix on her cunt, swollen pink and shimmering with slick.

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