i'm getting colder

307 25 13

"watch as she stands with her, holding your hand. put your arm 'round her shoulder, now i'm getting colder."



His name is Hidan, and Hidan is the one who cheered Deidara up with his embarrassing second year stories. Deidara hasn't had a good laugh from anyone other than Obito in years, so he decides Hidan is a keeper.

Hidan and Deidara get along easily and quickly grew close together, but Obito remains as his closest friend. Not that he deserves the spot, he began to abandon him to hang out with Rin regularly. So Deidara sought out to hang with Hidan and his friends instead.

Deidara ignores the way Obito's hand brushes against his own. He disregards the way his heart is screaming at him to lock fingers with Obito. It would look strange to see three people holding hands as they walk down the street.

Today, Deidara invited Obito over for movie night. He knows the only reason why Obito agreed on coming is because Rin is supposed to be busy tonight. It turns out Rin isn't busy after all.

"Hey! I can reach it!"

Deidara looks up to find Rin on her toes to bring her arm around Obito's shoulder. The taller of the two of them grins down at her, letting out a joyous laugh as Rin pouts, her cheeks all puffed up and it makes Obito blush. Deidara instantly pulls out his phone.

dei: you up for movies at my place?

It takes less than a second for Hidan to respond, bringing a smile to the blond's face.

hidan: FUCK YEAH!!

hidan: there's no need to ask me twice

hidan: i'll be there in 5

Hidan can be heard from miles away, shouting and grabbing the attention of all the nearby residents. Deidara flushes red, he wasn't lying when he said he'd be there in five. Obito may talk a lot, but Hidan is straight up loud.

Deidara notices Obito and his partner distancing themselves from himself and Hidan. It hurts. But as the days pass by, Deidara grows used to the numb feeling. Obito doesn't like Hidan, and Deidara could care less. He's allowed to make his own friends who respect him and who don't leave him to cry alone.

With that in mind, Deidara grins and grabs Hidan's hand, watching as a blush crawls onto his face. The two aren't romantically involved, but they enjoy messing with observers. Sometimes, their roles started to play them.

"Oi, Deidara, babe. Tell me about that piece you've been working on lately. What did you call it? Polyester?"

It sounds almost mocking, like sarcasm at its finest. But Deidara's eyes twinkle at the mention of art and he smiles from ear to ear. "Name's still a work in progress, yeah.", he answers, feeling Hidan's gentle grip grow tight around his. "But it's nowhere near complete. It'd be nice if you could tell me what I'm missing, give me some inspiration for that extra razzmatazz, yeah."

"Hell yeah! I'd love to help you with your work that some people don't appreciate enough.", Hidan looks back to Obito with a smug smirk on his face. He's well aware of Deidara's situation with Obito, he finds it hilarious.

Deidara smuggles out a laugh before unlocking his door. With Hidan's hand in his, he leads the others into his home. Inside is warm, so warm that he has to tug off his sweater. But no matter how warm it is, he can never shake off the chills he feels watching Obito and Rin, they always manage to freeze his core.

Watching Obito slowly wrap an arm over Rin's shoulder makes Deidara want to die, and Hidan notices it too. He frowns, trying to distract Deidara from the two with a few movie suggestions, having him choose his favourite. Deidara goes with the second one but his eyes are fixed on Obito, they always are.

That should be him Obito is holding, that should be him Obito likes and that should be him Obito is gazing adoringly at. But Deidara can never hate Obito, the love he has for him runs too deep.

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