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"[he] gave [you] [his] sweater, it's just polyester. but you like [him] better. i wish i were-"


"What are you.. What are you doing here?"

Obito tilts his head at an angle. Although his forest green scarf is covering the bottom half of his face, Deidara easily knows he's smiling. But his mind jumps back to Obito's citrus-scented sweater and why he had Konan bring it to him. It makes Deidara wonder why Obito couldn't walk up and greet him like a normal person.

"Don't you remember? I told you I'd never miss a performance.", Obito steps forward, taking his hands out of his pockets and reveals his gloved hands. His answer makes Deidara smile. Obito eyes the blond, smiling slightly at his clothes and how it looks he hasn't changed at all. "Nice sweater."

"Thanks. It's Hidan's, yeah."

"Oh. Cool.", Obito says, trying to hide the disappointment in his voice. He looks over to Hidan, giving him a forced wave before focusing on Deidara again. "So. You guys are together."

His statement comes out like a question with Obito's voice quavering slightly at the end, sounding almost disapproving. Deidara frowns. It's forced conversation, he can tell. They used to be able to talk about everything but now, they've become nothing. What they had are now empty shells, that layer cracked and transformed them into someone new.

"Yeah, hm. We've been together since 2012.", Deidara says, Obito furrows his eyes and grimaces. Before he could say anything more, Deidara changes the subject. "How'd you know I was here, yeah?"

"I kinda figured out on my own.", Obito admits, scratching the back of his neck. "I asked Rin if we could make a pit stop, just so I could see you. It's.. It's been a while, hasn't it?"

Rin Nohara. That's another name Deidara hasn't heard of in two years. He smiles at the ground, he's glad to hear that she and Obito lasted strong. Before he would've wished he could kill Rin with his bare hands but now, he doesn't feel that kind of hatred towards her anymore.

"Y-yeah, it really has..", Deidara mutters, eyes darting the ground as his hands fall into his pockets. "So, speaking of Rin, where is she?"

Obito gestures to the window, pointing at the car parked outside the coffee shop. Deidara tilts his head, catching a glimpse of Rin's blurry figure through the glass.

"In the car.", he answers with a lopsided smile. "I told her to wait there so it'd be just the two of us, you know, just like how it used to be.. I figured we could talk, even if it's for a minute or two."

Hallow eyes and sunken cheekbones. Nothing else could describe Obito's appearance. He still has those bright eyes and the smile Deidara used to obsess over. Obito has grown more mature, but he's still the same person Deidara remembers him as. And even though Deidara has moved on, he would always care about Obito. It's a habit.

"I know it's more than that, yeah, I'm not an idiot. What's wrong, Obito?"

There's a slight pause of hesitation, and the awkward tension dances around the two. Obito shrugs before answering, "I missed you?"

Deidara feels his body stiffen up.

"You missed me? Are you telling or asking me, hm?"

The comment catches Obito off guard. The Deidara he knows is reserved and not blunt in the slightest. Maybe he has changed.

"I missed you.", Obito insists.

"You're not allowed to miss me."

"I'm sorry - What?"

"You can't.", Deidara sighs in frustration, taking another step back, trying to maintain his voice as low as possible. "You can't just leave me and then come back whenever you want, hm. That's not okay. I was fine, after a while, and I found someone who made me feel better."

Obito picks at his sleeve. "I'm sorry, Dei."

"Don't 'Dei' me. Sorry isn't enough, yeah.", Deidara snaps, but he can't be mad. He can never be mad at Obito. "But you didn't even care. After Rin came into your life, you left me alone. I ran off stage crying, and you didn't even check on me. What kind of best friend were you?"

Obito takes a moment to process Deidara's words. He shakes his head, eyes darting the ground.

"I know, I was the worst and I'm sorry."

"I'm sure you're sorry, and I hate myself for believing you. We can't just go back to normal, hm. We should..", Deidara pauses to catch his breath. "We should - no - we need to start over, yeah."

"Start over?"

"Or at least fix everything, hm."

Obito nods as he slowly opens his arms, inviting Deidara in for a hug. Without hesitation, he walks into Obito's embrace. Deidara sighs and hugs him tight. It feels like year two all over again.

"I'm still frustrated with you, yeah."

"I know."

"And I can't forgive you yet."

"I'm sorry."

"I know. But you'll forever be my best friend, Tobi."

The old nickname sparks something within Obito, making him smile and hug Deidara even tighter.

"And you'll forever be mine, Dei."

Hidan makes his way over, Obito's purple sweater in hand and the other with his coffee.

"Glad to see you guys made up.", he says as the two pull away from each other's hold. Obito watches Hidan's every movement with narrowed eyes, stalking him slowly and Hidan stares back. He wonders what his problem is. "Here's your sweater, Konan told me to give it back to you."

Obito's expression softens, accepting the fabric as he undoes his coat, tugging his sweater over his head. "Thanks.", he mutters and adjusts the hems of his sleeve, pulling down on his arm before slipping his winter coat back on, fixing his scarf. "I should go now, I don't want to keep Rin waiting."

"Yeah, okay. It was nice seeing you, hm."

Obito nods. "You too.", he says, giving the two a genuine smile. He turns away, heading towards the door before pausing, craning his head. "Hey, Hidan. Take care of Dei for me."

Hidan returns the smile, answering with, "Will do."

And just like that, Obito walks out of the coffee shop and to where his car is parked. Back then, Deidara would watch Obito drive off with Rin with a sad pout, envying her even more. But that's in the past, he doesn't like Obito anymore and Obito never had his eyes on Deidara in the first place.

Instead, Deidara faces Hidan and takes his hand, smiling at how they fit like puzzle pieces. With Hidan's hand in his, he pulls him out of the shop and into the December snow, strolling down the sidewalk.

It's silent as they watch the snowfall. Out of habit, Deidara closes his eyes and sticks his tongue out, trying to catch the snowflakes. Hidan smiles in awe at how pretty his boyfriend is, wondering how lucky he is to end up with someone like Deidara.

"I've always liked the snow."

"Really? Why?"

"'Cause it's pretty, yeah. I like to think it gives the world a bit more colour.", Deidara explains as a few snowflakes land on top of Hidan's hair, watching as it casually rests and melts away. "And it gives me an excuse to wear your sweater, yeah."

"It might as well be yours since you wear it so much.", Hidan teases. "You know what? Keep it, it looks better on you anyway."

Deidara's eyes widen, gazing down at his clothes as a soft smile takes his face.

"Thanks Hidan."

He squeezes Hidan's hand tight, and Hidan squeezes back. It's a small thing they do to reassure each other, their thing.

This time, Deidara knows no one will be taking away his sweater - Hidan's sweater - their sweater away from him.

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