Chapter Six - Stakeout

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As Starling reached the old Atmosia Church, Starling drove her car out of sight and began to watch the church. A car soon pulled up near the church. Starling watched as a group of Raptors exited the car and entered the church.

Starling: These must be the Raptors. Time to go to work.

Starling got out of her car and entered the church through an open window which led her into the main hall. Starling heard footsteps coming her way so she hid inside one of the confessional booths. As she hid, the Raptors walked inside.

Raptor #1: You sure Repton won't find out about this?

Raptor #2: Even if he does, he won't touch us. You know how superstitious he is.

Raptor #1: I hope you're right. I'm not about to end up like Jack.

Raptor #3: What happened to Jack?

Raptor #2: Jack was one of Repton's top guys till he got greedy and tried to steal from him. Repton didn't take too kindly to this and skinned him alive. Hung the body on top of this church for a little while to let everyone, gang or not, to not fuck with Repton.

As the Raptors conversed with one another, loud organ music was playing. The Raptors stopped talking and waited. Loud heavy footsteps were heard as Dark Ace entered the room. Starling held her breath as she watched the meeting go down. 

Dark Ace: Were any of you followed?

Raptor #1: No, boss. We covered our tracks just like you said. Repton doesn't know a thing. 

Dark Ace: I hope so, for your sake. Now onto business. Show me the weapons. 

The Raptors then moved towards the confessional booth next to the one she was hiding in. They moved the confessional booth aside, revealing a hidden door. One of the Raptors opened it and led Dark Ace down the stairway. Once the coast was clear, Starling followed them down. The Raptors soon led Dark Ace down into a basement filled with crates. 

Raptor #1: This was one of Repton's largest warehouses. The cops could never find this place. 

Dark Ace calmly walked over to one of the crates and opens it. Inside were assault rifles. Dark Ace picked up one of the assault rifle and looks upon them with indifference. 

Dark Ace: How pitiful. In war, skill is what made one great. Now it's just firepower. There's no sport in it. 

Dark Ace then breaks the assault rifle with his bare hands. The Raptors watched in silence, not wanting to anger the Gargoyle. Starling watched this all go down. Suddenly, Dark Ace picks up a familiar scent and chuckles. 

Dark Ace: It seems you've been followed. 

Dark Ace then points to the stairway and all the Raptors spot Starling. They immediately rush at her and restrain her. They then present her to Dark Ace. 

Dark Ace: So Aerrow's pet human has come to greet me. You're the one who kept me from killing Aerrow. Your puny bullets did nothing but annoy me. 

Starling: You'll have to forgive me for inconveniencing you. I was aiming for your head. 

Raptor #1: What're we gonna do with her, boss? 

Dark Ace: I will deal with her. You just load the weapons onto the truck. 

The Raptors do as Dark Ace commands as they begin moving the crates outside the church. Meanwhile, Dark Ace drags her out of the hidden room. He then glides to the rooftop of the church and dangles her over the edge. 

Dark Ace: You impress me, human. The one admirable trait in your kind is your ingenuity. But that ingenuity is downtrodden by your stubbornness. 

Starling: What's your game, Dark Ace? You know Cyclonis will double cross you the first chance she gets!

Dark Ace: I am fully aware of her treacherous nature. I've known far too many of your kind to trust her. But her resources are most valuable. 

Starling: Your insane!

Upon hearing this, Dark Ace simply laughs. 

Dark Ace: You're just like Aerrow. You're blind to the true ways of humanity. Look around you. Your kind wallow around in filth and fear. Nothing has changed. 

Starling quickly realized that she was in a dangerous situation. Not only was Dark Ace dangling her from the rooftop of the Atmosia Church, but the Raptors were moving all the weapons away from the church. 

Dark Ace: What's your plan now, human?

Starling: Calling for backup!

Starling then pulls out the flare gun and fires it into the air. As the flare lights up the night sky, Immediately, Dark Ace drops her. As Starling plummets to the ground, she is saved when Aerrow glides over to grab Starling. The other Storm Hawks soon join her. 

Piper: Are you all right?!

Starling: I'll be fine. Now I see why people don't like heights....

As Starling was saved, Aerrow and the Storm Hawks turn their attention to Dark Ace who stood on the rooftop of the church.

Aerrow: Dark Ace...

Dark Ace: So we meet again, Aerrow. This is becoming quite bothersome. 

As Dark Ace says this, the Raptors drive the van away from the church. 

Aerrow: Starling, you and the rest of my clan will go after the weapons. I will handle Dark Ace. 

Piper: Are you sure? 

Aerrow: There is much to be settled between me and him. 

Starling rushed to her car as she began chasing after the van with the Storm Hawks gliding besides her. Aerrow remained to confront Dark Ace once more.

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